AltWeeklies Wire

!!! Put on an Event, Not Just a Shownew

The Greek god of ecstasy manifests himself in "a modern-day Funkadelic."
Seattle Weekly  |  Rachel Shimp  |  05-07-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Mountains Say Goodbye to Mom-and-Pop Ski Schoolsnew

As Crystal and other resorts bring instruction in-house, independent schools lament a Northwest tradition's demise.
Seattle Weekly  |  Keegan Hamilton  |  05-07-2007  |  Sports

As Drug-Resistant HIV Spreads, Its Implications Are Still a Mysterynew

It's far from clear how much alarm is warranted for the HIV "superbug."
Seattle Weekly  |  Nina Shapiro  |  05-07-2007  |  Science

This Prison Dentist Yanked More Than a Molarnew

And he may not be done yet.
Seattle Weekly  |  Rick Anderson  |  05-01-2007  |  Science

Navel-Gazing Lit: Not Just Online Anymorenew

Checking out the new hard- and softback blogger fiction.
Seattle Weekly  |  Karla Starr  |  05-01-2007  |  Books

Good Intentions Turn Into Diversity Backlashnew

When the prestigious Lakeside School sought to become more ethnically diverse, donations poured in -- but as a pending discrimination lawsuit alleges, the effort may prove more costly than anticipated.
Seattle Weekly  |  Nina Shapiro  |  05-01-2007  |  Education

Baseball Cards Are Making a Comebacknew

After a long absence, wax packs are back at Seattle's Safeco Field.
Seattle Weekly  |  Huan Hsu  |  05-01-2007  |  Sports

Early Campaigning in Washington's 8th Congressional Districtnew

Darcy Burner wastes no time going back after Dave Reichert's seat -- will (donor) fatigue set in?
Seattle Weekly  |  Aimee Curl  |  05-01-2007  |  Politics

Ghostwriting Haunts Council Aidenew

A complaint has been filed with the Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission after David Namura wrote an op-ed piece for Councilman David Della on city time and equipment.
Seattle Weekly  |  Aimee Curl  |  04-23-2007  |  Politics

Pining for a Good Sunken Shipnew

It's not so easy to sink an old ship in Puget Sound, much to the chagrin of Washington's scuba divers.
Seattle Weekly  |  Keegan Hamilton  |  04-23-2007  |  Recreation

Pet-rescue Underground Railroad Won't Leave a Dog Behindnew

For its members, that can mean bites, tornadoes of fluff and nothing left for the mortgage.
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller and Huan Hsu  |  04-16-2007  |  Animal Issues

A Women's Travel Guide by the Cheerleader for the Causenew

Unique travel writing is increasingly difficult, but Beth Whitman gives it her best shot.
Seattle Weekly  |  Karla Starr  |  04-16-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Not All Peddlers of Seattle's Homeless Paper Are Homelessnew

But should that really matter?
Seattle Weekly  |  Huan Hsu  |  04-16-2007  |  Media

The Long Hiatusnew

Sherman Alexie continues his 10-year break from writing novels.
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  04-09-2007  |  Fiction

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