AltWeeklies Wire

The Patriot Axnew

Markus Young moved to this country from Germany when he was three years old. Now, courtesy of tougher immigration laws, he could be deported under the Patriot Act.
Boston Phoenix  |  Deirdre Fulton  |  08-29-2005  |  Immigration

The Romenesko Effectnew

How a media Web site is changing the face -- and pace -- of media culture.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mark Jurkowitz  |  08-26-2005  |  Media

Black and Whitenew

The New York Times Company's plan to put out a free weekly geared to African-American readers has defenders of the black press seeing red.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mark Jurkowitz  |  08-19-2005  |  Media

The Worst Homicide Squad in Americanew

With one of the worst track records of any big-city police department in the country, the Boston Police Department's homicide unit offers little justice to anyone.
Boston Phoenix  |  David S. Bernstein  |  08-18-2005  |  Crime & Justice

Home on the Rangenew

A visit to Camp Casey, where one mother has set off a vibe that tempers even the most rabid Iraq-war backer.
Boston Phoenix  |  Barry Crimmins  |  08-18-2005  |  War

Changing the Environmental Landscape, One Building at a Timenew

Designed to conserve water and energy, "green buildings" are constructing a cleaner world.
Boston Phoenix  |  Deirdre Fulton  |  08-11-2005  |  Environment

Girls Gone Mildnew

Four troubled teenage girls are given a last chance at youth -- and a better chance at surviving adulthood.
Boston Phoenix  |  Deirdre Fulton  |  08-08-2005  |  Children & Families

Hacker's Delight: Ten Ways to Soup Up Your iPodnew

The only difference between a hacker and a programmer is that the latter's getting paid. All good-natured admonishments not to mess with your iPod are, in other words, political and merely so.
Boston Phoenix  |  Nick Sylvester  |  08-04-2005  |  Science

Redemption Talenew

Former conservative-media poster boy David Brock is trying to do the right thing with liberal media watchdog Media Matters. Should we trust him?
Boston Phoenix  |  Mark Jurkowitz  |  07-29-2005  |  Media

The Boston Globe/Red Sox Connectionnew

What happens when the biggest newspaper in town owns a financial piece of the biggest story in town?
Boston Phoenix  |  Ian Donnis  |  07-28-2005  |  Media

Sudden Deathnew

Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney really blew it with his "foolproof" death-penalty initiative.
Boston Phoenix  |  David S. Bernstein  |  07-21-2005  |  Crime & Justice

Lost in MySpacenew

The social-networking site has a staggering membership of 22 million. It logs nearly 7.5 billion page-views a month, making MySpace the fifth-highest-ranked domain on the Internet, surpassing both Hotmail and Google.
Boston Phoenix  |  Camille Dodero  |  07-21-2005  |  Media

Terror Diary: The Media Blitz on the London Bombingsnew

From cable news and the pundit shows to the dailies, here's how the US media covered the London bombings.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mark Jurkowitz  |  07-14-2005  |  Media

The Winds of Warnew

There are obstacles -- including a whole lotta hot air -- to turning wind energy into a realistic alternative.
Boston Phoenix  |  Deirdre Fulton  |  07-14-2005  |  Environment

Saying Yes to Pot in Rhode Islandnew

A small, heavily Catholic state is poised to legalize medical marijuana -- a move that could that could influence attitudes toward the legislation in other states.
Boston Phoenix  |  Ian Donnis  |  07-07-2005  |  Science

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