AltWeeklies Wire

Fracking Ban Conversation Moves Toward Constitutional Rightsnew

National attention drawn to Colorado's oil and gas preemption laws.
Boulder Weekly  |  Elizabeth Miller  |  08-08-2014  |  Energy

The Death of a Local Newspapernew

The 1995 merger of the liberal afternoon Milwaukee Journal with the morning Milwaukee Sentinel was painful for journalism, but the latest drastic turn by Journal Communications could be worse.
Shepherd Express  |  Joel McNally  |  08-08-2014  |  Media

Living on the Streets of Oaklandnew

The Great Recession may be over, but every night people are sleeping on benches or in makeshift shelters. Here are a few of their stories.
East Bay Express  |  David Bacon  |  08-08-2014  |  Homelessness

The Dark Side of the Boomnew

Prosperity in Texas has a way of rising and falling with the oil business, but not for everyone. What a town becomes a boomtown, those outside the oil business can't keep up.
Houston Press  |  Dianna Wray  |  07-31-2014  |  Economy

Activists Champion 
Efforts to Divest From Fossil-Fuel Industrynew

Meet Planet Enemy No. 1: The fossil-fuel industry. And meet the new sheriff in town: The growing movement to divest ownership of fossil-fuel stock.
Wisconsin Gazette  |  Lisa Neff  |  07-31-2014  |  Environment

Who Would Jesus Deport?new

Religious leaders, political figures and hyperbolic talking heads have yet to reach a consensus on the Bible's application to the issue of immigration in the United States.
Jackson Free Press  |  Anna Wolfe  |  07-31-2014  |  Immigration

Meet the Marijuana Money Mennew

These eccentric billionaires have the cash that could legalize pot in Oregon.
Willamette Week  |  Sami Edge and Rebecca Turley  |  07-30-2014  |  Drugs

Dead or Deanimated?new

Inside Metro Detroit's Cryonics Institute, where the dead (both human and pets) are frozen with hopes of a future life.
Metro Times  |  Jesse Hicks  |  07-30-2014  |  Features

No Refugenew

As humanitarian crisis looms at the U.S. border, Nashville's refugee resettlement services face severe cuts.
Nashville Scene  |  Heather Lyn Wood  |  07-25-2014  |  Immigration

Cruel and Usual Punishmentnew

Like thousands of Americans, Sharanda Jones faces life in prison for a nonviolent drug crime.
Dallas Observer  |  Amy Silverstein  |  07-25-2014  |  Crime & Justice

Detroit's 'Psychological Gentrification'new

While Detroit sees development it hasn’t seen in years, art gallery owner says it’s important for the city to retain its soul.
Metro Times  |  Lee DeVito  |  07-25-2014  |  Housing & Development

Georgia's Deadly Prisonsnew

A legal rights advocacy group wants reform, a congressman wants an investigation, and the family of a dead inmate wants answers.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Thomas Wheatley  |  07-25-2014  |  Crime & Justice

Twisted Medalnew

With Boston on the short list to host the 2024 Summer Games, we tour Atlanta's broken Olympic promises.
Dig Boston  |  John Ruch  |  07-23-2014  |  Features

The Legal Limbo of Being Gay and Married in Texasnew

Federal and state rulings don’t agree on same-sex weddings, leaving gay couples in Texas in a special brand of limbo all their own.
Houston Press  |  Jef Rouner  |  07-18-2014  |  LGBT

The Invisible Peoplenew

San Antonio's sizable refugee community struggles as the American dream passes them by.
San Antonio Current  |  Bill Conroy  |  07-18-2014  |  Immigration

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