AltWeeklies Wire
Come and Get Itnew
I bring the financially challenged consumer my opinion regarding the rising cost of this nation's food supply.
Jackson Free Press |
Sue Doh Nem |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: humor & satire
Love a Ducknew
Those rascals in the Greater Belhaven "There Goes the Neighborhood" Association plan on holding their annual "White Trash Bash" as soon as it gets warm enough to wear a wife-beater.
Jackson Free Press |
Jesse Yancy |
04-21-2008 |
Growing a Greener Inboxnew
OK, you've ditched the bottled water habit, unplugged all your home electronics when they're not in use, and started a compost pile in your backyard. Pat yourself on the back for making the effort to get greener at home -- but don't forget that some of your biggest waste may actually be at work.
Jackson Free Press |
Kelly Bryan Smith |
04-21-2008 |
'Mom, What Did You Do?'new
"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." I don't know about you people, but I'm thinking it's time we did some learnin'.
Jackson Free Press |
Lori Gregory |
04-21-2008 |
It's 2008 ... Do You Know Where Your Kids Are?new
Better yet, do you know what they're plotting behind those closed bedroom doors, between cell phone texts and emails on MySpace or Facebook?
Jackson Free Press |
Kamikaze |
04-21-2008 |
Hush and Be Coolnew
Stimulus checks or "hush and be cool" money?
Jackson Free Press |
Sue Doh Nem |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: humor & satire
Refusing to Walk in the Shadownew
Collaborating and coordinating business opportunities with Brotha Hustle and Aunt Tee Tee.
Jackson Free Press |
Sue Doh Nem |
04-03-2008 |
Tags: humor & satire
Butter Upnew
Butter has no substitute; a chemist is just no match for a cow.
Jackson Free Press |
Jesse Yancy |
03-28-2008 |
Gripe, Moan and Complainnew
How about that stock market! It's like a broken-down hoopty that has gone out of control.
Jackson Free Press |
Sue Doh Nem |
03-28-2008 |
Tags: humor & satire
A Black Dog Like Menew
Most humans bast about their colorblindness toward their own kind. In my humble opinion, most humans need to look at their discriminatory attitude toward color, because color discrimination has revealed itself toward pets.
Jackson Free Press |
Sue Doh Nem |
03-17-2008 |
Tags: humor & satire
Rising Above the Mucknew
Barak Obama has the gall to be positive and rise above the muck of negative campaigning. He speaks to the politics of unity.
Jackson Free Press |
Kamikaze |
03-17-2008 |
Clean, Green Waternew
With the current bottled-water craze, millions of Americans are paying more money per gallon for water than for gasoline, even though most cities charge less than 1 cent per gallon for municipal water.
Jackson Free Press |
Kelly Bryan Smith |
03-14-2008 |
Foreclosure Follynew
Predatory lending, sliding interest rates, the "War on Terror" and a recessive economy over the past eight years have restructured the lifestyles of the working and middle classes who have returned to apartment living.
Jackson Free Press |
Sue Doh Nem |
03-14-2008 |
Tags: humor & satire
Beer Me Up Scottynew
This St Patrick's Day, forget the artificially green dyed beer, and pick up a real Irish beer.
Jackson Free Press |
Ian Williams |
03-14-2008 |
Are These the Good Times?new
While the Presidents of the United States maintain their sunny optimism with “These Are the Good Times People," the album is not nearly enough to nudge them out from under Weird Al’s imposing shadow.
Jackson Free Press |
Rob Hamilton |
02-29-2008 |