AltWeeklies Wire
Changing Sex, a Desire to Lovenew

Following your desire is a brave way of recognizing that something is happening to you, something remarkable. Perhaps it will break open your world, or perhaps it will simply open your heart. Things will change.
Tags: Valentine's Day
Jozeemo's True Identitynew

East Durham rapper and longtime rabble-rouser Jozeemo claims his latest LP is his last. But he can't quit now; the fun is just getting started.
Tags: Jozeemo
Sadness and Stultification in Albert Nobbsnew

Glenn Close plays Albert Nobbs, a nonentity with a traumatic, largely suppressed past who has survived for three decades dressing and working as a man.
Gauchiste's mix of metal and electronics is free to possibilitynew

"I know a lot of metal guys who would hear the Gauchiste and go, 'So, is this a soundtrack? Are these sound effects you guys made?'"
INDY Week |
Grayson Currin |
01-18-2012 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Gauchiste
The Artist is deserving of the feverish praise it has inspirednew

A French silent film as Oscar's Best Picture of 2011? I'm voting oui.
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close's premise is apposite and affectingnew

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close tackles 9/11, a cinematic third-rail used as the milieu for films both brilliant (United 93) and inept (World Trade Center; Remember Me).
Shame isn't as shaming as it thinks it isnew
First off, let me just say I don't feel sorry for any dude whose dick I can see from the back. That's the first strike against the lead character as played by Michael Fassbender in Steve McQueen's latest film, Shame.
White Cascade's EP2new

Raleigh trio White Cascade is following that painful rule of creativity—cheerily discarding the past to try something new.
Tags: White Cascade
Laurent Dubois discusses Haiti: The Aftershocks of Historynew

"A lot of what we see today is the result of recent history, the last 30, 40 years. It's not a kind of inexorable story that is how it had to happen from 1804. In the 19th century, Haiti was quite economically successful."
INDY Week |
Jay O'Berski |
01-11-2012 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Haiti, Laurent Dubois

With the addition of vocalist Lesley Pond, Raleigh's Monoslang slides from pop-structured post-rock into trip-hop territory.
Tags: Monoslang
Wojciechowski's The Last Great Game: Duke vs. Kentuckynew

Although the full title occasions three objections all by itself, Gene Wojciechowski's book is nevertheless essential reading for anyone interested in college basketball—and especially, in these environs, for local sports lovers.
INDY Week |
Adam Sobsey |
01-11-2012 |
Tags: Gene Wojciechowski
Characters can't leave the room in Polanski's latest, Carnagenew

For God's sake, why don't the Cowans just leave? The answer lies in the fact that, for his whole career, Roman Polanski has been interested in domestic interiors and how they take hold of his characters.
Tags: Roman Polanski, Carnage
Thomas Frank Returns With New Book About the Billionairesnew

"Democrats really failed to speak to the new angry sensibility in the country. And Obama's personality is almost precisely wrong for the populist moment—he really has trouble turning on that emotion."
INDY Week |
Bob Geary |
01-04-2012 |
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is a solid revival of Cold War-era le Carré novelnew

This well-acted, well-made movie keeps the us-against-them theatrics in the background in favor of a compelling character study of men fighting to stay relevant in a world where they can easily be replaced.