AltWeeklies Wire

John Tuturro Loves Pop Musicnew

Taking the movie-musical seriously puts Turturro miles ahead of the recent awful Hollywood musical resurgence that confuses personal musical expression with camp.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  09-06-2007  |  Reviews

'The Bubble' Combines Sitcom Premise with Authentic Perilnew

Eytan Fox upholds the dynamic with an ear for camaraderie not unlike that of Richard Linklater. Unlike Linklater, however, Fox is working in a part of the world generally perceived in these parts as a war zone.
New York Press  |  Eric Kohn  |  09-06-2007  |  Reviews

William Friedkin Thinks 'Cruising' Isn't Controversialnew

The director insists that certain gay groups' decision to assail the plot for being homophobic is akin to prostitutes complaining about a movie based on Jack the Ripper.
New York Press  |  Eric Kohn  |  09-06-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

'The Bubble' Redeems the Nihilism of 'Cruising'new

Cruising was never considered a model of superior filmmaking, and even 27 years ago, public protests questioned its credibility as a depiction of gay life. The Bubble marks the distance movies have progressed since.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  09-06-2007  |  Reviews

'The 11th Hour': Leo's Truthnew

This film should be mandatory viewing in every classroom around the globe.
New York Press  |  Jennifer Merin  |  08-23-2007  |  Reviews

'Death at a Funeral': Bury Your Deadnew

You'd have to be a shameless Anglophile to tolerate this sub-BBC twaddle.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  08-23-2007  |  Reviews

'The Invasion': Paranoid Yet?new

The filmmakers suggest that anyone not paranoid about the Bush administration is inhuman -- this makes the film Hollywood's ugliest exploitation yet of the Iraq War.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  08-23-2007  |  Reviews

'The Nanny Diaries': Class Crashnew

Though basically a light entertainment, the film breaks movie culture's unspoken taboo against class consciousness.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  08-23-2007  |  Reviews

'Damages': Danson in the Darknew

Glenn Close's performance is the least interesting aspect of the FX thriller, which speaks to what a nice job the ensemble cast and crew have done in developing this cinematic tale of power and blood stains in the upper echelons of a greedy, litigious and claustrophobic NYC.
New York Press  |  Stan Friedman  |  08-23-2007  |  TV

We're All Made of 'Stardust'new

Imagine a fairy-tale made by a retarded Jacques Demy -- that is, a live-action equivalent of the insufferable Shrek.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  08-16-2007  |  Reviews

Armed and 'Delirious'new

Steve Buscemi plays another despondent entertainment journalist with less satisfying results.
New York Press  |  Eric Kohn  |  08-16-2007  |  Reviews

Julie Delpy: Avoiding Boredomnew

With her first feature, Delpy becomes a notable cinematic tour de force.
New York Press  |  Jennifer Merin  |  08-09-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

'If I Didn't Care': Old Dirty Tricksnew

Low-budget noir relies on time-honored formula with great results.
New York Press  |  Eric Kohn  |  08-09-2007  |  Reviews

'Dans Paris'new

Following the deaths of Antonioni and Bergman, this film not only loses its charm but is devastatingly disappointing -- it suggests that humane film art is out of favor.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  08-09-2007  |  Reviews

'Rocket Science': Smart Packnew

Indie teen flick packed with slew of arrogant cliches.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  08-09-2007  |  Reviews

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