AltWeeklies Wire

Lee on Literature: The Spider's Housenew

The roots of turmoil currently blooming in Syria and other nations of the Arab Spring are carefully explored in The Spider's House.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Lee Miller  |  06-08-2012  |  Fiction

Margaret Atwood Renders Today's Troubles into Absorbing Dystopian Tomorrowsnew

Atwood discusses her new novel, The Year of the Flood, today's environmental movement, and why no one can predict the future.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Julia Goldberg  |  11-11-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Mystery Man: Author Tony Hillerman's Legacy Lives Onnew

Hillerman began his career as a journalist for The Santa Fe New Mexican and went on to author more than 30 books, most of which were mystery novels set in New Mexico -- more specifically, Navajo lands. Hillerman died last October at the age of 83.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Charlotte Jusinski  |  09-17-2009  |  Books

So-Called Manifesto for Sustainable Cities is a Far Cry from Global Vision it Claims to Espousenew

A new book called Albert Speer & Partner: A Manifesto for Sustainable Cities aims to address the urban-planning end of the spectrum and clarify best practices in the field. Unfortunately, despite its grandiose title (a manifesto!), the book is a simple monograph on the work of one architecture and planning firm, and a platform only for its views.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Zane Fischer  |  09-10-2009  |  Nonfiction

'Deeply Rooted' Profiles Farmers Who Refuse to Fit the Agribusiness Moldnew

Even though Lisa Hamilton narrows her focus to the extent that Deeply Rooted doesn't capture the breadth that it might have otherwise, she still conveys the raw truth that a positive food future lies in the hands of irascible individuals rather than corporations and captains of industry.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Zane Fischer  |  08-27-2009  |  Nonfiction

Robin Romm's 'The Mercy Papers'new

In The Mercy Papers: A Memoir of Three Weeks, author Robin Romm has opened herself to the world in a courageous little book that chronicles the three weeks before her mother’s death.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Charlotte Jusinski  |  01-29-2009  |  Nonfiction

Elizabeth Royte Has (Bottled) Water on the Brainnew

In her new book, Bottlemania: How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It, Royte investigates the causes and consequences of the bottled-water business' astounding growth.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Michelle Nijhuis  |  08-14-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

The Real Immigration Storynew

An LA Times reporter tells the personal stories of Mexican immigrants.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Julia Goldberg  |  06-14-2007  |  Nonfiction

Reading Greennew

Ten books to help understand and save the environment.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Laura Paskus  |  05-03-2007  |  Books

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