AltWeeklies Wire

David Grazian on the Noise and the Hurrynew

The Penn prof's latest book puts Philly nightlife's stress and swagger under the microscope.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  A.D. Amorosi  |  03-25-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Things Come Togethernew

Chinua Achebe's masterpiece is still the centerpiece of contemporary African literature.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Joel Tannenbaum  |  03-25-2008  |  Fiction

Leaders of the No Schoolnew

National identity has always been something of an obsession in classical music circles. The debate's been reinvigorated by the extraordinary influx of Asian musicians, as Japanese pianist Mari Yoshihara examines in her new book.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Peter Burwasser  |  03-11-2008  |  Nonfiction

Fuck, American-Stylenew

You can tell a lot about a society by its wildest dreams and darkest fantasies. Sex for America's two dozen short stories suggest we are one sick nation.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  M.J. Fine  |  03-04-2008  |  Fiction

There Should Be Bloodnew

Genre-stretching horror writers Joe Hill and Toby Barlow look for a new vein.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Justin Bauer  |  03-04-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Nicola Barker Sets a Full Table in 'Darkmans'new

What Barker accomplishes is the sort of comprehensive and wide-ranging novel that towers over the single-note memoirs, genre pieces and pink-cover chick-lit books that so outnumber it.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Justin Bauer  |  12-26-2007  |  Fiction

Nersesian Builds on the Post-Apocalyptic Genrenew

He constructs an alternate timeline, with Watergate quashed and the counterculture exiled to a replica New York built in the Nevada desert. His plot is scrambled out of The Odyssey, but it's really only an easel for the cabinet of curiosities his replica city contains.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Justin Bauer  |  12-26-2007  |  Fiction

Permanent Vacationnew

Ed Hamilton checked into the Chelsea Hotel to write a novel, but the constant distractions led to his blog instead. Then his blog led to a book.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Sam Tremble  |  12-11-2007  |  Nonfiction

Michael Gates Gill's Cup o' Wisdomnew

Starbucks helps a former corporate bigwig wake up to what really matters.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Carolyn Wyman  |  11-13-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

The Key to 'Vibrator' Isn't Scandalnew

The explicitness of the sex and the frankness with which Rei -- the narrator -- expresses her desires and confusions are striking. But it's the skill Mari Akasaka brings to her narration that allows the pain of Rei's existence to be soothed by the journey.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Justin Bauer  |  10-30-2007  |  Fiction

CAConrad Draws Us in to His Kafka-esque Dream Statenew

Calling CAConrad "in your face" doesn't quite do it -- if the Philadelphia poet had his way, he'd be down your throat, stuck in your gut and up your ass.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  A.D. Amorosi  |  10-02-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Why Our Harry Potter Pales Next to His Brit Doppelgangernew

It's illegal to sell U.K. Potters in the U.S., but readers are well-advised to seek out the Brits, not just for textual authenticity but to avoid reported incidents of repulsion and nausea resulting from inadvertent or prolonged visual contact with Mary GrandPre's American covers and illustrations.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Robin Rice  |  09-18-2007  |  Books

'The Exception': Mean Girlsnew

Danish author Christian Jungersen's new novel educates about genocide.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Amy Baily  |  09-04-2007  |  Fiction

'A Killer's Kiss': Soft Kissnew

William Lashner begins his seventh Victor Carl novel with his usual bang, but this time around Victor seems a little tuckered out.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Char Vandermeer  |  08-28-2007  |  Fiction

Milton McGriff, the Free Radicalnew

In his grim new novel, the ex-Black Panther looks to the past to find the future.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Joel Tannenbaum  |  08-07-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

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