AltWeeklies Wire
Out With a Whispernew
Never a force of personality, artist Jasper Johns left his art to speak for itself. Will we understand what it says?
Metro Spirit |
Stacey Hudson |
02-27-2008 |
Tags: visual arts
Jeweler's Loupenew
Jewelry of Virginia transplant captures artistic history in her small, handmade, wearable pieces.
Metro Spirit |
Stacey Hudson |
02-27-2008 |
Tags: visual arts
Southern Uprisingnew
The art of the New South shows the changing appearance and culture of Georgia's creative class in vibrant new show at local museum.
Metro Spirit |
Stacey Hudson |
09-18-2007 |
Tags: visual arts
Medium as Messagenew
Former potter rises to art world's challenge of his medium by "taking the clay out" of his work.
Metro Spirit |
Stacey Hudson |
08-08-2007 |
Tags: visual arts
Diorama of a Madmannew
Augusta artist Chris Murray traps his subjects in tiny boxes and gawkers come to view them.
Metro Spirit |
Stacey Hudson |
08-08-2007 |
Tags: visual arts
Stingray Lets Fists Do the Talkingnew
Rayonta "Stingray" Whitfield's career speaks for him -- it will have to, because he's not much of a braggart.
Metro Spirit |
Stacey Hudson |
08-08-2007 |
Tags: sports & fitness
Growing up Gothnew
Take an insider's look at the Gothic culture as a lifestyle.
Metro Spirit |
Erika Bolin |
07-11-2007 |
(Belt) Buckle Up
Fasten your seatbelts, America, because Mr. Pearman's Wild Ride starts at his Lake Olmstead house and ends with his artwork adorning Keith Richards.
Metro Spirit |
Stacey Hudson |
07-10-2007 |
Tags: visual arts
Animal instincts
Artist focuses on fetching furry and feathered friends
Metro Spirit |
Stacey Hudson |
07-05-2007 |
Tags: visual arts
Treasured Torah
Synagogue safeguards sacred text orphaned by Holocaust
Metro Spirit |
Stacey Hudson |
07-05-2007 |
Tags: history
Firewater colors
Art and alcohol are old friends at this cheerful gathering of painters
Metro Spirit |
Stacey Hudson |
07-05-2007 |
Tags: visual arts
Painting into a corner
Favorite Augusta painter Bea Kuhlke defected to Aiken two years ago with her husband and found heaven in a studio they converted from a small storage shed in their back yard.
Metro Spirit |
Stacey Hudson |
07-05-2007 |
Tags: visual arts
The garden of unearthly delights
Ann Baker’s fluid and feminine forms fit in with the flowers
Metro Spirit |
Stacey Hudson |
07-05-2007 |
Tags: visual arts
Painted Lady
Legendary flapper’s paintings surface in family collection
Metro Spirit |
Stacey Hudson |
07-03-2007 |
Tags: visual arts