AltWeeklies Wire
We Need to Talk About Kevinnew

The bad seed, indeed.
East Bay Express |
Kelly Vance |
02-29-2012 |
Wither the Oakland Blogospherenew

The blogs that were "making democracy work" last year have largely fizzled out.
East Bay Express |
Rachel Swan |
02-29-2012 |
Tags: Oakland Bloggers
Pay to Playnew

It's nothing new, but music licensing fees still plague local businesses.
East Bay Express |
Kathleen Richards |
02-24-2012 |
The Greek Connectionnew

California's massive pension fund is inadvertently backing attacks on Greece's middle class that could tank Europe and America's economies.
East Bay Express |
Darwin BondGraham |
02-23-2012 |
Real Change is Complicated and Messynew

Progressives who criticize Occupy must offer real alternatives.
East Bay Express |
Jay Youngdahl |
02-15-2012 |
Tags: #OCCUPY, Occupy Oakland
Death of Oakland's Retail Plannew

Oakland loses a $1 billion a year to other cities, and without redevelopment, the city's plans for a major shopping district in Upper Broadway may be history.
East Bay Express |
Wendi Jonassen, John C. Osborn and Alex Park |
02-15-2012 |
Business & Labor
Listening in the Darknew

Adam Johnson imagines life in North Korea.
East Bay Express |
Stefanie Kalem |
02-10-2012 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Tags: North Korea, Adam Johnson
Big Business Wants to Hide Political Contributionsnew

CalPERS is right to stand up to the One Percent.
East Bay Express |
Jay Youngdahl |
02-09-2012 |
Tags: CalPERS, Citizens United
What Happened to the Chronicle's Paywall?new

The San Francisco newspaper has quietly stopped charging for stories on its website.
East Bay Express |
Rachel Swan |
02-09-2012 |
Worst Slow Jamsnew

Our staff picks the best music to kill a mood.
East Bay Express |
Kathleen Richards, Ellen Cushing, Rachel Swan and Will Butler |
02-08-2012 |
Tags: Songs To Kill the mood
How to (Not) Find Love Onlinenew

Hint: Avoid side-profile photos. Admit if you're looking to get hitched.
East Bay Express |
Rachel Swan |
02-08-2012 |
The MegaUpload Shutdown's MegaFalloutnew

The demise of the file-sharing site could have unfortunate consequences on the underground music community.
East Bay Express |
Kathleen Richards |
02-02-2012 |
It's Time for the Black Bloc to Go Awaynew

Repeated violent confrontations with police are failing to move Occupy Oakland forward.
East Bay Express |
Robert Gammon |
02-01-2012 |
How I Got Arrested at Occupy Oaklandnew

Our own John C. Osborn offers a first-person account of being taken into custody by police during the latest Occupy Oakland protest.
East Bay Express |
John C. Osborn |
02-01-2012 |
Tags: #OCCUPY, Occupy Oakland
From Brown to Greennew

It's a myth that environmental laws are job killers. In fact, California's East Bay is home to many cleaned-up toxic sites that are now spurring the economy.
East Bay Express |
Darwin BondGraham |
01-27-2012 |
Policy Issues
Tags: Green Economy, Green Jobs