AltWeeklies Wire

Who Shot Chris Heben?new

The strange tale of a former Navy SEAL and the suburban shopping plaza shooting that never happened.
Cleveland Scene  |  Doug Brown  |  11-20-2014  |  Features

The Gay Wingnew

In the gay wing of L.A. men's central jail, it's not shanks and muggings but hand-sewn gowns and tears.
L.A. Weekly  |  Ani Ucar  |  11-19-2014  |  Features

Shockingly True Tales From the World of Pinball Fanaticismnew

Most people don't know this, but pinball used to be illegal. From the early 1940s until the mid-1970s, the game was banned almost everywhere in this country; South Carolina law still forbids anyone under 18 from playing it.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jon Santiago  |  11-18-2014  |  Features

Wage Theftnew

Wage theft is committed in communities all over the U.S. Wage claims are made when workers don’t get overtime, when workers get break time deducted from their wages but don’t get their full breaks or when workers don’t get their last paycheck. Sometimes workers never get paid at all.
Eugene Weekly  |  Camilla Mortensen  |  11-16-2014  |  Business & Labor

Dan Gilbert, Downtown Detroit's Demigodnew

What kind of track record does Quicken Loans have in Detroit? Does anyone really care?
Metro Times  |  Ryan Felton  |  11-14-2014  |  Features

What Food Producers Don’t Want You To Knownew

More than 80 undercover investigations have been conducted at U.S. factory farms in the past decade, resulting in dozens of videos that reveal animal abuse and real threats to food safety. And even as campaigns are launched to implement policies that can prevent such cruelty, counter-campaigns are trying to prevent undercover investigations in the first place.
Wisconsin Gazette  |  Lisa Neff  |  11-14-2014  |  Animal Issues

Is Sacramento’s Costly Water-Meter Install Wasting Millions?new

Sacramento says it's doing what’s necessary to update its water infrastructure. Experts question the reasoning behind the expensive and invasive plan.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Joe Rubin  |  11-14-2014  |  Policy Issues

Oakland's Threat to Sex Workersnew

A new eviction policy broadly targets prostitutes, and while the city argues that the law will help fight child trafficking, there's no data or evidence to back those claims.
East Bay Express  |  Sam Levin  |  11-13-2014  |  Policy Issues

The Silent Epidemic of Campus Rapenew

Thousands of students returned to colleges and universities this fall, and for the women among them they did so facing this very real and disturbing reality: their chances of being raped or sexually assaulted just rose exponentially.
Worcester Magazine  |  Walter Bird Jr.  |  11-13-2014  |  Features

Inventing the Toke-Alyzernew

A Colorado company wants to make THC-impairment testing easier.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Bryce Crawford  |  11-13-2014  |  Drugs

Marriage Inequality Hurtsnew

When Terri Binion’s wife was killed in an accident at work, Florida’s ban on same-sex marriage left her with no legal recourse.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  11-12-2014  |  LGBT

The Homeless Soldiernew

One veteran’s journey through poverty and how he found the road out.
NUVO  |  Amber Stearns  |  11-12-2014  |  Poverty

Thinking Inside the Boxnew

Linda Jacobs died alone in her apartment in Monterey. Except she wasn't really alone, not in the strictest sense of the word. Nine months later, police still haven't identified the decades-old corpse she kept in a box in her kitchen.
Monterey County Weekly  |  Mary Duan  |  11-06-2014  |  Features

The Earth is Shifting Under Womennew

Journalist Sally Armstrong has long told the stories of women facing human-rights crises.
VUE Weekly  |  Rebecca Medel  |  11-06-2014  |  Media

A Horseshoe Up My Ass: 24 Hours at Baltimore's Shiny New Casinonew

Since it is open 24 hours, I proposed to The Editors of Baltimore City Paper that I would occupy the new Horseshoe Casino for 24 hours straight as a paying customer.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Joe MacLeod  |  11-05-2014  |  Features

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