AltWeeklies Wire

Cricket: Remade in the USAnew

The venerable game of cricket changes the rules to win new fans. But Americans have to change too if it's ever going to take off.
East Bay Express  |  Chris Thompson  |  09-05-2005  |  Sports

Inmates Are Captive Audience for Artnew

Things get pretty weird for young cutting-edge muralists when their audience, and their potential funding, are products of the juvenile justice system.
East Bay Express  |  David Downs  |  09-05-2005  |  Art

Pay to Praynew

When it comes to paying taxes, there's no valid reason that religion deserves a free ride on the aching backs of the teeming, taxpaying, nonbelieving masses.
East Bay Express  |  Chris Thompson  |  08-29-2005  |  Commentary

Working for the Weekendnew

The San Francisco Bay Area bohemian generation that so valued leisure and creativity became the generation that created the balls-to-the-wall, sleep-is-for-the-weak work ethic.
East Bay Express  |  Chris Thompson  |  07-25-2005  |  Recreation

Are We Having Fun Yet?new

Americans worship at the altar of recreation but are downright clueless about leisure.
East Bay Express  |  Will Harper  |  07-25-2005  |  Recreation

ESL Students Risk Losing More Than a New Languagenew

If an Oakland school administrator's threat to shut down the adult-education program is carried out, immigrants will lose a social network as well as an opportunity for learning.
East Bay Express  |  Chris Thompson  |  05-16-2005  |  Commentary

Games Without Frontiersnew

Darryl Chin makes real cash selling make-believe pets in Second Life, a fantasy world that blurs the boundaries of law and ethics.
East Bay Express  |  Laila Weir  |  03-29-2005  |  Video Games

Top of the Bottom of 2004new

A TV anchorman with a two-month-long case of hiccups and an elderly woman who collapsed and died while in line for the flu vaccine are among the missteps of 2004 deemed worthy of further reflection.
East Bay Express  |  Will Harper  |  01-03-2005  |  Commentary

Looted Picasso Seized by Feds During Ownership Disputenew

The epic custody battle over the $10 million Picasso painting Femme en Blanc has taken an unexpected twist: The Lady in White is now under house arrest.
East Bay Express  |  Kara Platoni  |  11-08-2004  |  Art

Assaulted Fan Gets Philosophical About Hecklingnew

Craig Bueno instigated a brawl at the Oakland Coliseum between A's fans and Texas Rangers players. Two days later, he and his attorney held a press conference, calling his heckling an "American tradition."
East Bay Express  |  Justin Berton  |  09-27-2004  |  Sports

Black Holed: When Football Players Touch Downnew

When Oakland Raiders tight end Roland Williams tumbled back into the crowd at a 2002 game against the New York Jets, hyped-up fans patted and spilled beer on him. But not fan Susan Lopez, who claims in a lawsuit that she was under the 265-pound player and suffered injuries.
East Bay Express  |  Will Harper  |  09-14-2004  |  Sports

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