AltWeeklies Wire

Plugged In To Windnew

Texas remains the national leader in wind energy, yet only 2.5 percent of the state's energy comes from renewable sources.
San Antonio Current  |  Stephen Keller  |  07-11-2007  |  Environment

Talking Human Rights With Jorge Bustamantenew

The UN investigator has been blocked from U.S. immigration detention centers.
San Antonio Current  |  Dave Maass  |  05-30-2007  |  Immigration

Billing Me Softlynew

The exorbitant cost of a basic medical procedure hits small businessman Brent Evans in the gut.
San Antonio Current  |  Molly Wardlaw  |  05-30-2007  |  Science

TYC Scandal's Media Originnew

How a couple of reporters brought a full-fledged scandal to Texas' youth prisons.
San Antonio Current  |  Keli Dailey  |  05-23-2007  |  Media

Sami Rasouli, The Muslim Peacemakernew

The Iraqi-American on promoting peace and a different vision of the conflict in his native country.
San Antonio Current  |  Chuck Robinson  |  05-23-2007  |  International

Undocumented Immigrants, Unlicensed Prisonnew

Homeland Security's family-detention center bends the law and escapes scrutiny.
San Antonio Current  |  Dave Maass  |  05-23-2007  |  Immigration

Toll-road Collision: A 'Press Gangbang'new

When a swarm of hard up, anxious reporters outnumber the object of our assignment.
San Antonio Current  |  Keli Dailey  |  05-16-2007  |  Media

Public Access' Public Axisnew

Now that the City Council has approved the testing of AT&T's U-Verse, it's a waiting game for public-access producers, and in the meantime they're gearing up for a battle.
San Antonio Current  |  Dave Maass  |  04-25-2007  |  Media

Go With the (Free) Flownew

The Free Flow of Info Act: Keeping journalists off the witness stand (and protecting anonymous sources).
San Antonio Current  |  Dave Maass  |  04-18-2007  |  Media

Lone Gunman, Media Mob at Virginia Technew

Imagine a world in which Alberto Gonzales' upcoming Congressional testimony was accorded the same drama and intense, layered coverage as the shootings, while the Virginia Tech victims' friends and families were left to mourn in private.
San Antonio Current  |  Elaine Wolff  |  04-18-2007  |  Media

Cutting Death-Row Inmates Offnew

As if they weren't already isolated enough: Activists allege that Texas Department of Criminal Justice employees are applying death-row mail and visitation policies arbitrarily, and in some cases, using the rules as a form of punishment.
San Antonio Current  |  Dave Maass  |  04-12-2007  |  Crime & Justice

Texas Lege Makes Case for Teaching the Bible in High Schoolnew

With help from academia, conservatives shifted the debate from the constitutional issue of church-state separation to whether or not Texas public school children can adequately understand Dante's Inferno or Melville's Moby Dick without knowledge of the Bible.
San Antonio Current  |  Vince Leibowitz  |  04-12-2007  |  Education

Kahuna on the Runnew

He seemed at peace with going to the big house for three years, then pot grower Jason "Big Kahuna" Weaver disappeared -- except for online.
San Antonio Current  |  Keli Dailey  |  04-04-2007  |  Crime & Justice

A Nasty Case of Deja Vunew

The search warrant was illegal and the DNA test flawed -- now Theodore Streater is going to trial without an attorney.
San Antonio Current  |  Dave Maass  |  02-21-2007  |  Crime & Justice

Pain-Free Pollutingnew

The same collection of pipes, flares, and settling pools will still be releasing their steady trickle of toxins -- thanks to the EPA, you just won't know about it.
San Antonio Current  |  Greg Harman  |  02-21-2007  |  Environment

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