AltWeeklies Wire

Indiana Bill Targets Meth and CAFOsnew

The Indiana House is now clear to hold floor debate on both right-to-work legislation and the CAFO/meth bill. The chamber, though, remains volatile.
NUVO  |  Rebecca Townsend  |  01-12-2012  |  Politics

Rolling Stone's Super Bowl Tailgate Lineupnew

The Rock n Roll Tailgate party will feature Pete Wentz, Jane's Addiction and the Roots.
NUVO  |  Katherine Coplen  |  01-12-2012  |  Concerts

The Meaning of Dr. King Daynew

It's worth your while to take a few moments to reflect on the legacy of this remarkable man who endured such suffering... We owe him immensely.
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  01-11-2012  |  Commentary

Mitch Daniels, protestors won't go quietlynew

Both sides dig in for the next few weeks. Mitch Daniels insists right-to-work is best; howling workers say otherwise.
NUVO  |  John Krull  |  01-11-2012  |  Business & Labor

USDA to Close Over 250 Officesnew

Plans to close or consolidate facility, office and lab operations will impact USDA headquarters in Washington and in 46 states and 1 U.S. territory.
NUVO  |  NUVO Editors  |  01-10-2012  |  Business & Labor

Rural Communities Fear SLAPPnew

House Bill 1091 is scheduled for a hearing on Jan 10. One CAFO watchdog called it "the most repulsive, underhanded and unjust piece of proposed legislation I've ever seen."
NUVO  |  NUVO Editors  |  01-10-2012  |  Policy Issues

Amazon to Begin Taxing Online Sales in Indiananew

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels announced Monday that the state and have reached an agreement for the leading web retailer to begin collecting taxes on online sales.
NUVO  |  Jessica Wray  |  01-09-2012  |  Business & Labor

Will Indiana Democrats' Walkout Fizzle Out?new

When more than three dozen Indiana House Democrats didn't show up for work Wednesday, the key question at the Statehouse was: "How long will this last?"
NUVO  |  Abdul-Hakim Shabazz  |  01-09-2012  |  Politics

The Unmaking of Obama, the Unbossnew

What would Chicago have been like if instead of command decisions, building projects would've been subject to many meetings and a process aimed at consensus?
NUVO  |  David Hoppe  |  01-09-2012  |  Commentary

Indiana Still at Odds on Right-to-Worknew

A day from possible $1,000/day fines, Dems who skipped Wednesday and Thursday's House sessions are hoping to turn the public against a GOP right-to-work proposal.
NUVO  |  The Statehouse File  |  01-06-2012  |  Politics

Indiana Senate Expedites Tightening of Trafficking Lawsnew

In the first order of business accomplished by the Indiana General Assembly in the 2012 session, the Senate Public Safety Committee advanced a bill tightening anti-trafficking laws.
NUVO  |  The Statehouse File  |  01-06-2012  |  Politics

Indiana Debate on Right-to-Work Sounds Familiarnew

A proposed bill would make it illegal for employers to require workers to pay fees to a union as a condition of employment.
NUVO  |  John Krull  |  01-05-2012  |  Business & Labor

Eat Your Cabbagenew

Is skipping the cabbage the reason our country's economy is so lousy?
NUVO  |  David Hoppe  |  01-04-2012  |  Commentary

Occupy Indy Decampsnew

The Occupy Indy protest presence at the Indiana Statehouse has ended, though protestors still return to advocate awareness of economic injustice and other issues.
NUVO  |  Rebecca Townsend  |  01-04-2012  |  #OCCUPY

Q&A with Indiana Gov. Mitch Danielsnew

Among Gov. Mitch Daniels' goals for 2012: implement a statewide smoking ban; pass a right-to-work law; and end what he calls "credit creep."
NUVO  |  Lesley Weidenbener  |  01-04-2012  |  Politics

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