AltWeeklies Wire
Why I'm Returning to Iraq for the Sixth Timenew
I'm heading back to the front with nothing but medical supplies, a camera and faith.
New Haven Advocate |
Daniel Smith |
06-05-2007 |
The Fishing Industry's Whale of a Dilemmanew
The minimum measures needed to prevent ecocide in the oceans would cause major short-term disruption and throw millions out of work, so they probably won't be taken.
NOW Magazine |
Gwynne Dyer |
06-04-2007 |
Animal Issues
One Man's Mission for Peace in Lebanonnew
At 17, he picked up an AK-47 and joined the militia -- now he's determined to see the children of Lebanon pick up books and put down their guns.
Pacific Sun |
Jill Kramer |
06-01-2007 |
Tags: international
Syria Set-upnew
U.S. points finger at Syrian government for upheaval in Lebanon, but the area is seething with freelancers.
NOW Magazine |
Gwynne Dyer |
05-25-2007 |
Tags: international
Sami Rasouli, The Muslim Peacemakernew
The Iraqi-American on promoting peace and a different vision of the conflict in his native country.
San Antonio Current |
Chuck Robinson |
05-23-2007 |
Tags: international
Snus for Health: Swedish Chewnew
Imperial Tobacco's new smokeless product divides the industry’s critics.
Montreal Mirror |
Samer Elatrash |
05-18-2007 |
Tags: international
Bottling Peace In a Jarnew
Buying Palestinian olive oil is a tasty way to protest the tree uprootings of the occupation.
NOW Magazine |
Wayne Roberts |
05-18-2007 |
Tags: international
Matthew Hodes, Peacemakernew
The Carter Center's conflict resolution director flies into places most people want to escape.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
John Sugg |
05-17-2007 |
Tags: international, Metropolis
Mexico is Milking its Northern Deserts Drynew

Mexico's arid north -- 54 percent of the nation's land surface -- is drying out and blowing away in the wind at an alarming rate as desertification transforms this always-hardscrabble terrain into an American Sahara.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
John Ross |
05-16-2007 |
Tags: international
Sudan's Lost Boysnew
What is the What: The Autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng, Dave Eggers' latest novel, is a fictionalized account of Deng, one of the Sudanese "Lost Boys" who immigrated to the United States in 2001.
LEO Weekly |
Elizabeth Kramer |
05-15-2007 |
Tags: international
The Truth About Edwin Wilsonnew

When the CIA lies, where does a spook go to get his reputation back?
Houston Press |
Keith Plocek |
05-07-2007 |
Tags: international
We're At the Breaking Pointnew
While the explosive detainee torture scandal continues to monopolize the front pages, a growing chorus of defence experts are declaring NATO's Afghanistan mission to be on the razor's edge of stinging humiliation.
NOW Magazine |
Paul Weinberg |
05-04-2007 |
Tags: international
Blackwater Seeps Through Loopholes In Other Countries
Inside Chile's "mercenary problem."
Random Lengths News |
Erik Kongshaug |
05-02-2007 |
Tags: international
Adios, Fidelnew

And hello again -- why some Florida immigrant groups are tired of the endless Castro drama.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Amy Guthrie |
05-01-2007 |
Tags: international
Teach the Children to Shootnew

Chicago photographer Matt Cassel gives Palestinian kids the tools to tell their stories.
Chicago Reader |
Stacey Dugan |
04-30-2007 |
Tags: international