AltWeeklies Wire
Trendzilla: Everything Old Navy is New Againnew
In the late '90s, stores like Old Navy were mobbed by throngs of the old and young. But that was when visor-wearing twentysomethings still had strands of puka shells permanently knotted around their necks.
Tags: fashion
Working the Swing Shiftnew

Meet the Orange County entrepreneurs who help nice, professional couples have sex with one another.
If DNA Evidence Doesn't Fit in Orange County, Alter It?new
In the wake of a November 2005 OC Weekly article detailing how a 20-year-old Buena Park man faced prison for a robbery/carjacking he didn't commit, prosecutors asked the Orange County Sheriff's Department crime lab to alter key exculpatory evidence.
OC Weekly |
R. Scott Moxley |
03-18-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
California Prosecutors Asked Crime Lab to Doctor DNA Resultsnew
In a controversial robbery case that sent an innocent 20-year-old California man to prison in 2005, prosecutors told a forensic specialist in a sheriff's crime lab to claim falsely that the man's DNA had been found at the crime scene.
OC Weekly |
R. Scott Moxley |
03-14-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
He's a Solar Mannew
Now Magic Lantern guitarist Cameron Stallones has struck out on his own with a solo album under the moniker Sun Araw.
A Gentler Autechrenew
On Quaristice, they occasionally veer into a more classically "beautiful" melodic mode; overall, the album's less rhythmically manic than their more recent releases.
Tags: Autechre, Quaristice
Ask a Mexican! Special Election Edicionnew
"Why won't Mexicans vote for a black man?"
Trendzilla: Former Parochial School Girl Still Rockin' Chanel's Black Satinnew
Black and red nail polish were once reserved exclusively for Chinese royalty. But it was sometime after the color appeared on the nails of Bowie, Mercury and Bolan in the mid-'70s that the negative connotations arose.
Tags: fashion
Double Featurenew
How the Holechek Brothers' 305 went from hit YouTube short to full-length film.
These Colors Don't Wash Feetnew
Little Saigon's Nguoi Viet Daily News earns anti-commie wrath -- again.
Tags: media
Ask a Mexican!new
"Why does Mexico have such a hard time getting its act together?"
Tags: humor & satire
Did Crimes Kamran Mashayekhi Witnessed Put His Life in Danger?new
Some law-enforcement officials aren't so sure.
OC Weekly |
Derek Olson |
02-26-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
The Gross Ambition of Wayne Grossnew
The federal prosecutor recused himself from the Mike Carona probe. But it seems he couldn't stay away from Carona.