AltWeeklies Wire

Saving Moms on Methnew

Methamphetamine is arguably the toughest addiction to kick, but research shows that mothers placed in long-term residential treatment along with their young child or children have the highest rate of recovery.
Phoenix New Times  |  Robert Nelson  |  11-29-2005  |  Science

Wanted: Armed and Dangerousnew

As the FBI chases polygamist Prophet Warren Jeffs, work continues 24/7 on his religion's foreboding new Texas capital.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dougherty  |  11-16-2005  |  Religion

Brother of Fugitive Fundamentalist Mormon Prophet Arrestednew

Seth Steed Jeffs, 32, was carrying at least $142,000 in cash when he was arrested, police claim, and has been charged with concealing his older brother, polygamist prophet Warren Jeffs, from arrest.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dougherty  |  11-08-2005  |  Crime & Justice

Meth Is Rising Cause of Violent Death in Phoenixnew

A significant number of murder victims in Phoenix had methamphetamine in their blood when they died, as did all eight of the people shot by Phoenix police in the first six months of this year.
Phoenix New Times  |  Paul Rubin  |  11-08-2005  |  Crime & Justice

Mexican Meth Labs Supply Arizonanew

In the Mexican states of Sinaloa and Michoacan, big, high-tech labs create a methamphetamine that lands on the streets of Phoenix as a more powerful and cheaper drug than ever.
Phoenix New Times  |  Robert Nelson and Joe Watson  |  11-07-2005  |  Science

Ambulance Chasersnew

Winning ambulance contracts? Pat Cantelme is learning that it's all about who you know. (Unless it's about the dirt they've got on you.)
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  11-01-2005  |  Business & Labor

Celebrated Capital Murder Case Reconsiderednew

Questions remain about whether a death row prisoner acted alone in the 1988 murder of heiress Jeanne Tovrea.
Phoenix New Times  |  Paul Rubin  |  10-25-2005  |  Crime & Justice

Postcards from the U.S.-Mexican Bordernew

Three friends passed out a few hundred disposable cameras and persuaded migrants to take pictures of their adventure crossing the desert. They hope to exhibit the results in art galleries.
Phoenix New Times  |  Jimmy Magahern  |  10-25-2005  |  Immigration

Mold Attacks!new

If school officials in Gilbert, Arizona had played straight, Mesquite Junior High kids and teachers would have run for their lives. Numerous students, teachers and maintenance workers believe they were made ill by mold in the building.
Phoenix New Times  |  Robert Nelson  |  10-18-2005  |  Science

For Evacuees, Phoenix Looks Like the Promised Landnew

After sitting on a freeway bridge for three days with no food, evacuees of New Orleans are grateful to be in Arizona.
Phoenix New Times  |  Jimmy Magahern  |  09-27-2005  |  Disasters

Members of Polygamous Sect Barricade Their Homesnew

The head of a breakaway Mormon sect is in hiding, and his followers on the Arizona-Utah border appear to be steeling themselves against law enforcement agencies.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dougherty  |  09-27-2005  |  Religion

Bible Study Case Goes Back to Square Onenew

A jury ruled a family-owned restaurant could fire a manager who held Bible study for her employees, but a U.S. district judge has thrown that verdict out.
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  09-21-2005  |  Religion

The Vagina Dialoguesnew

Sex between two women isn't taboo anymore. Instead, it's become so trendy that it's changing the way we understand feminism, gay rights, and even human sexuality itself.
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  09-21-2005  |  The War on Women

Parents Play Hardball With Kids' Healthnew

Monomaniacal dads pushing their kids to play year-round baseball are blamed for an increase in sports injuries that require surgery.
Phoenix New Times  |  Robert Nelson  |  08-30-2005  |  Science

Der Furornew

When vice president of the World YWCA compared Israelis to Hitler in a company newsletter, one Phoenix YWCA became a war zone.
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  08-15-2005  |  International

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