AltWeeklies Wire
The Road Not Taken by Congress During the Economic Crisisnew
The so-called stock-injection plan would have given taxpayers ownership of preferred stock in the banks themselves. Not only would the banks have gotten an infusion of cash, but the taxpayers would've received something in exchange other than these "toxic" mortgage assets we've been hearing about.
San Diego CityBeat |
Editorial |
10-08-2008 |
San Diego Lawsuit Focuses on How Police Subdue Suspectsnew

A lawsuit filed by the family of a man who died in police custody raises questions about how officers restrain individuals who are resisting arrest.
San Diego CityBeat |
Kelly Davis |
10-08-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Is Yung Lyricist the Future of San Diego Hip-Hop?new
In a San Diego scene that has all too often focused on blunts, balling and bitches, Yung clearly represents that new breed of MC like Kanye West, Common and Lupe Fiasco with emphasis on issues of the heart rather than hos.
San Diego CityBeat |
Seth Combs |
10-08-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
'Rachel Getting Married' Brings Out the Best in Anne Hathawaynew
Hathaway's performance as an acerbic and bitter sister is so good that it’ll surely be considered come Oscar time.
San Diego CityBeat |
Anders Wright |
10-08-2008 |
Santogold is Showing Up Everywhere Right Nownew
You probably are digging her music -- but just don't know it -- when you're playing FIFA 08 and NHL 08, or watching Entourage, Grey's Anatomy and Gossip Girl (dude, I can't believe you watch Gossip Girl!), or when you’re glazing over during halftime of the Chargers game and those Bud Light Lime commercials come on.
San Diego CityBeat |
Nathan Dinsdale |
10-08-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Santogold
'Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist': John Hughes 2.0new
Of course, Hughes was the mastermind of '80s teen drama, taking a sweet, funny look at the utterly heavy-duty emotions that come with being in high school or just beyond. And that's precisely what director Peter Sollett does with Nick and Norah.
San Diego CityBeat |
Anders Wright |
10-01-2008 |
Bjork Who? Mugison Brings His Nordic Eclecticism Statesidenew
Born Orn Elias Guomundsson (there's a sexy rock-star name), the singer-songwriter was re-named in a karaoke bar while visiting his father in Malaysia.
San Diego CityBeat |
Scott McDonald |
10-01-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Mugiboogie, Mugison
Nick Lowe Doesn't Party Like He Used Tonew
The "Jesus of Cool" is fine with being almost famous.
San Diego CityBeat |
Scott McDonald |
10-01-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Nick Lowe
A la Recherche du Taco Bellnew

Dinner, tonight, is the unthinkable: a Taco Bell Original Taco and Burrito Supreme, abominations that haven't profaned this chowhound's palate since I was a kid in Southern California, birthplace of fast food.
San Diego CityBeat |
Mark Dery |
10-01-2008 |
Another American Institution Fails, and We Lose Faith in Ourselvesnew
Now that Wall Street has failed -- a victim of its own greed -- you can add it to the list of institutions in which we have lost our collective trust.
San Diego CityBeat |
Editorial |
10-01-2008 |
What's Wrong with White Wine?new
I'm one of the very few I know who's highly partial to white wines, and I've always taken a share of grief for it.
San Diego CityBeat |
Martin Jones Westlin |
09-24-2008 |
Tags: wine, white wine
'Choke': How to Turn a Cult Novel into a Movienew
Making your first film is challenging enough. But writing and directing a movie about a sex addict who intentionally chokes on food in restaurants to engender sympathy and make money? Well, that's something else entirely.
San Diego CityBeat |
Anders Wright |
09-24-2008 |
Tags: Choke, Clark Gregg
Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip are as Screwy as They Soundnew
Before this album arrived on my doorstep, what little I'd heard through tinny laptop speakers sounded like a nitrous-oxide Streets.
San Diego CityBeat |
David Tow |
09-24-2008 |
Flogging Molly's Matt Hensley Finds the End of the Rainbownew
A year and a half ago, Flogging Molly accordionist Matt Hensley felt like he had to make a choice: fatherhood or the band.
San Diego CityBeat |
AnnaMaria Stephens |
09-24-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Float, Flogging Molly
Face the Economic Tough Times by Cooking Up Some 1930s-Style Foodnew
In May, one of the nation's largest cooking sites,, reported that traffic to recipe pages using low-cost ingredients nearly doubled in the first three months of the year and that searches for low-cost foods increased as much 107 percent. In June, I wrote about the recession-led increase in sales of Spam luncheon globs. And all that was before the economic downturn had turned into an economic smackdown.
San Diego CityBeat |
D.A. Kolodenko |
09-24-2008 |
Tags: food, recipes, cooking, eating, economic issues, Spam, Great Depression,, penny pinching