AltWeeklies Wire
The Rise of the YouTube Mash Upnew
Welcome to a whole new set of copyright issues as video websites provide users with tools to clone, edit, post-produce, and reappropriate the works of others.
Boston Phoenix |
Nick Sylvester |
08-30-2007 |
Tags: computers & technology
Mr. Butch, He Deadnew

For decades, local legend Mr. Butch (1951-2007) haunted Kenmore Square and Allston -- he looked scary and smelled rank ... and he was one of the most popular guys in town.
Boston Phoenix |
Jim Sullivan |
07-19-2007 |
You Say You Want a Revolution?new
In which our embedded "foreign" correspondent joins a crew of noise-rock fans to re-enact the Battle of Hubbardton, Vermont's only Revolutionary War encounter.
Boston Phoenix |
James Parker |
07-19-2007 |
Tags: history
The Devil and Dick Cheneynew

"Make no mistake about it, Cheney, your undead status is under review." A scolding letter from one evildoer to another.
Boston Phoenix |
Barry Crimmins |
07-06-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
Could Be Verse: Waxin' Anglop-Saxonnew
"Lines upon Learning that a Federal Court has Thrown Out an Indecency Ruling brought by the FCC against Fox TV."
Boston Phoenix |
James Parker |
06-07-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
Paris Hilton, Jailbirdnew
In the words of a pent-up genius ...
Boston Phoenix |
Sharon Steel |
06-07-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
Poetry Ripped from the Headlines: One Bird's Opinionnew
Lines upon seeing the president struck by avian droppings during a Rose Garden press conference.
Boston Phoenix |
James Parker |
05-31-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
Home of the Bravesnew

Fifty years ago this fall, a Boston team beat the Yankees in the World Series; 57 years ago, a Boston team became one of the first in the major leagues to integrate -- that team, obviously, was not the Red Sox.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
05-10-2007 |
Tags: sports & fitness
To Catch a PotHeadnew

Having already nabbed more than 200 child predators, what if the folks at Dateline turned their attention to stoners?
Boston Phoenix |
Matt Bors |
05-03-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
Far Outnew
A onetime hippie chick reflects on the groovy time she spent smuggling gold in Afghanistan and Iran in the late 60s.
Boston Phoenix |
Lauren Wolfe |
05-03-2007 |
Tags: travel
'America's Army': Candylandnew
The US Army wants you ... to take on-screen violence seriously.
Boston Phoenix |
Ben Richardson |
05-03-2007 |
Video Games
Tags: video games
Betting Your Brainnew

It's no surprise that it feels good to win money. But it's not just for money that people gamble; they gamble for the mere anticipation of money, and the high that comes with that.
Boston Phoenix |
Samantha Henig |
04-26-2007 |
Theater Offensivenew
Eff bombing at the American Repertory Theatre: how a monologist's strong-language riff on Paris Hilton prompted a spontaneous walk-out.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
04-26-2007 |
Tags: theater
Hit the Dirt! It's a Flan!new
An innocent Google search for a dessert recipe delivers a blueprint for post-prandial terrorism.
Boston Phoenix |
Clif Garboden |
04-12-2007 |
The 100 Unsexiest Men: 2007new
These guys couldn't turn on a radio. This year's edition of the world's top-ranked male losers starts with Tom Cruise and only gets worse from there.
Boston Phoenix |
Phoenix Staff |
04-12-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire