AltWeeklies Wire
Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter is a travestynew

While Bekmambetov isn’t quite the villain that James Wilkes Booth proved to be, the director is responsible for the travesty he has delivered to us, and finds himself with a smoking gun of a terrible film in his hands.
Charleston City Paper |
Isaac Weeks |
06-25-2012 |
Tags: Vampire Hunter
Rock of Ages is a predictable ’80s-fueled musicalnew

Hitting the screen by way of a team of scriptwriters that includes the original stage production's Chris D'Arienzo, Rock of Ages presents a fairy-tale version of Los Angeles' heavy metal scene circa 1987.
Charleston City Paper |
Isaac Weeks |
06-19-2012 |
Savage Tongues create new electricitynew

Five years ago, Alex Goss was treading water as a guitarist and singer with an alt-rock act called Golden Palace, a riffy garage band with punkish grunge leanings. But these days, as the lead singer and bassist with Savage Tongues, he's far more mature, confident, and professional.
Charleston City Paper |
T. Ballard Lesemann |
06-19-2012 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Savage Tongues
Bobcat Goldthwait's God Bless America sheds a light on tastelessnessnew

For a movie that starts off with a man fantasizing about killing his annoying neighbors and their baby, Bobcat Goldthwait's God Bless America has a very hippie underbelly.
Charleston City Paper |
Susan Cohen |
05-24-2012 |
Marley is a touching portrait of the reggae idolnew

In Kevin MacDonald's documentary, Marley, the famous Rasta is seen in a light rarely witnessed before, with all the pain, love, and desire encompassed therein.
Charleston City Paper |
Ryan Overhiser |
05-18-2012 |
Tags: Kevin MacDonald, Marley
The President Comes Outnew

Obama could hurt or help the cause of marriage equality in the Bible Belt.
Charleston City Paper |
Paul Bowers |
05-17-2012 |
The Makers: A Photographic Look at Master Craftsmennew

Born from flame-belching furnaces and hammered into shape, Charleston's architectural future is being forged from the past. A new generation is carrying on the ancient arts of blacksmithing, wood carving, and glassmaking.
Charleston City Paper |
Joshua Curry |
05-16-2012 |
Steve Jobs lives on in The Lost Interviewnew

Steve Jobs: The Lost Interview is an hour-long look into the charismatic and plain-spoken nature of one of this generation's most enduring figures.
Charleston City Paper |
Ryan Overhiser |
05-11-2012 |
Can Elise Testone emerge from American Idol with grace?new

This week, as the remaining Idol contestants of the current season either get booted off or shoved ahead, I can't help but worry about Charleston-based singer Elise Testone and the post-Idol adventures that lie ahead for her.
Charleston City Paper |
T. Ballard Lesemann |
05-08-2012 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: American Idol, Elise Testone
Dangermuffin show sophistication on their new albumnew

Dangermuffin enjoys an exalted reputation for their groovy, rootsy style, but Dan Lotti, Steven Sandifer, and Mike Sivilli dig a bit deeper into the soul and mind on their new album Olly Oxen Free than even their biggest fans might have expected.
Charleston City Paper |
T. Ballard Lesemann |
05-08-2012 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Dangermuffin
Chatting with a childhood hero, Lou Ferrignonew

Since there was no CGI back then, the producers turned to a real-live human being to play the Hulk. That human being was none other than Lou Ferrigno, a former Mr. Universe winner. Needless to say, when kids thought of the show, it wasn't the trickling piano or Dr. Banner's love for thumbing rides, but the moments when the green guy would tear da club up.
Charleston City Paper |
Kevin Young |
05-04-2012 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Lou Ferrigno
Sen. Marco Rubio's foreign policy is Wilsonian, not conservativenew
During what was advertised as a "major foreign policy speech" at the Brookings Institution last Wednesday, Sen. Marco Rubio said, "I am always cautious about generalizations, but until very recently, the general perception was that American conservatism believed in a robust and muscular foreign policy."
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
05-03-2012 |
Charleston's Post & Courier to Put Up Paywallnew

The Post and Courier will begin charging for web content on Tues. May 1. The subscription price for paper will increase as well
Charleston City Paper |
Chris Haire |
05-01-2012 |
Tags: Paywalls, Post & Courier Paywall
Mayer Hawthorne steps away from the turntables and grabs the micnew

Mayer Hawthorne's back on the road supporting his recent album How Do You Do, which marks his major label debut on Universal Republic. He admits he had plenty of reservations about taking that next step.
Charleston City Paper |
Andrea Warner |
04-20-2012 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Mayer Hawthorne
Incentives Pay Offnew

Michelin's big tires will bring big money and 500 jobs to South Carolina.
Charleston City Paper |
Joshua Curry |
04-17-2012 |
Business & Labor
Tags: Michelin South Carolina