AltWeeklies Wire
Is Homeland Security creating a national, drone-based police force?new

Every neighborhood has a walking guy. He's the one who always seems to be out there exercising in every kind of weather. He's an institution, as much a part of the neighborhood as the pool or the park. My husband is our neighborhood's walking guy.
Charleston City Paper |
Tara Servatius |
03-20-2013 |
Scott Walker's Selling Actnew

How Wisc. Governor Scott Walker persuaded reluctant Republicans to back his anti-union plan.
Like a Bad Rash, N.C. Voter ID Bill Returnsnew
In North Carolina, 506,000 active registered voters don't have photo ID: 31 percent are African-American, 66 percent are women, 26 percent are seniors and 53 percent are Democrats, compared to 23 percent who are Republican.
Tags: North Carolina Voter ID
What's in store for Florida's 2013 legislative session?new

Though Florida Republicans seem to be making some noise about ethics reform and positive change, expect to see more of the same out of Tallahassee this session.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
03-07-2013 |
Bills on Paradenew

Keeping an eye on the action at the Arizona Legislature.
Tucson Weekly |
Jim Nintzel |
03-07-2013 |
Tags: Arizona Politics.
Is the GOP Doomed? Slightly Less than the Dems
Is the Republican Party doomed? Yes, probably, but Democrats shouldn't take much solace in their rivals' travails.
State of the San Antonionew

Mayor Julián Castro had big shoes to fill delivering his State of the City speech last week –– namely, his own.
San Antonio Current |
Michael Barajas |
03-06-2013 |
Send in the Clownsnew

There are 20 clowns running for Congress in South Carolina.
Columbia Free Times |
Corey Hutchins |
03-06-2013 |
Voter Fraud in Florida? Oh do tell!new

Florida voter-fraud investigation charges two ex-strategic allied consulting workers.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Chris Joseph |
03-06-2013 |
Born-Again Republicannew

A walking wounded GOP hosts its annual convention in Sacramento this weekend. Our writer goes down the Grand Old rabbit hole to see if “Reagan Nation” can pull off a rebirth.
Sacramento News & Review |
Nick Miller |
03-04-2013 |
Tags: GOP
"M" Is For Mayornew
Are Carson, Calif. residents ready to turn away from patronage style politics?
Random Lengths News |
Terelle Jerricks |
03-01-2013 |
Major Pro-Voucher Group Might Have Broken PA Election Lawnew

Political operative John D. McDaniel's Progressive Agenda PAC funneled $5,900 from Students First PAC, a Pennsylvania group backed by Bala Cynwyd hedge fund managers and wealthy national school voucher advocates, to a Penn. state house candidate who was heavily supported by voucher proponents.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Daniel Denvir |
02-27-2013 |
Everett Wilkinson: Tea Party Extremist, Media Darlingnew

National reporters love him, but they tend not to mention his kooky conspiracy theories.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Terrence McCoy |
02-27-2013 |
Is Charleston becoming an economic powerhouse?new

Twenty years ago, it was assumed that Charlotte would be the next big East Coast economic powerhouse, the only Southern city that stood a chance of one day rivaling Atlanta economically and culturally. No other town was thought to have the stuff to pull it off.
Charleston City Paper |
Tara Servatius |
02-27-2013 |
City of Greensboro considers dropping Downtown Greensboro, Inc.
Taking some by surprise, a seemingly spontaneous discussion about seeking alternatives to Downtown Greensboro Inc. ended in a 9-0 vote last week at the Greensboro City Council meeting.
YES! Weekly |
Eric Ginsburg |
02-27-2013 |
Tags: downtown greensboro Inc.