AltWeeklies Wire

Solo Debuts for Drummies

O'Reagan's solid songwriting and willingness to play with sound help his album avoid alt-country cliche.
Washington City Paper  |  Joe Dempsey  |  07-28-2006  |  Reviews

Shtick Shift

Though previous Smog albums have hardly shied away from darker subject matter, Another Fine Day just seems to cut a little deeper.
Washington City Paper  |  Joe Dempsey  |  07-28-2006  |  Reviews

Flash Forward

Oneida's long strange trip toward focus seems to have finally come to a close.
Washington City Paper  |  Aaron Leitko  |  07-28-2006  |  Reviews

Body Politics

Lif's latest is thematically scattershot and packed with easy targets.
Washington City Paper  |  Joe Warminsky  |  07-07-2006  |  Reviews

Petal to the Metal

Patton still hasn't quite lost the surfer swagger that made him a pioneer of the worst genre ever to chest-beat its way out of the Golden State: rap-metal.
Washington City Paper  |  Justin Moyer  |  06-30-2006  |  Reviews

Blood Fret & Tears

Brett Sparks' bipolar disorder is to the Handsome Family's music what champagne is to Lawrence Welk.
Washington City Paper  |  Pamela Murray Winters  |  06-30-2006  |  Reviews

Everybody Yurts

The great accomplishment of this 52-minute-long disc is how well the spaces are filled.
Washington City Paper  |  Brent Burton  |  06-26-2006  |  Reviews

Vested Disinterest

Despite their clothes, the ’Heads don’t really care about being nerdy anymore.
Washington City Paper  |  Aaron Leitko  |  06-16-2006  |  Reviews

Wall That Jazz

Mahanthappa and Iyer divide their disc nicely between East and West.
Washington City Paper  |  Joe Dempsey  |  06-16-2006  |  Reviews

Pretension Headache

The Drift offers no release from its monolithic depression.
Washington City Paper  |  David Dunlap Jr.  |  06-12-2006  |  Reviews

One Step Beyonce

The production on A Girl Like Me is often better than the vocals, but Rihanna doesn't let the tracks outshine her.
Washington City Paper  |  Sarah Godfrey  |  06-02-2006  |  Reviews

Crazy in Like

Jay-Z keeps creating clones of his beloved, hoping to get it right with each new iteration.
Washington City Paper  |  Sarah Godfrey  |  06-02-2006  |  Reviews

Pure Post-Postpunk for Then People

You may very well be able to judge a record by its smiling bohemians gathered-'round-a-campfire cover.
Washington City Paper  |  Brent Burton  |  06-02-2006  |  Reviews

Stark Raving Madrigal

This is more Seeger than Dylan, more purist than progressive.
Washington City Paper  |  Brent Burton  |  06-02-2006  |  Reviews

I, Jonathan

Art Brut is totally smart, totally stoopid, or both.
Washington City Paper  |  Shannon Zimmerman  |  05-26-2006  |  Reviews

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