AltWeeklies Wire
Introducing Philly Weekly's 2015 "Hipster Hunks"new
For years now, we’ve been watching with a potent mélange of curiosity, nerd-scorn and reluctant arousal as our friends at the Philadelphia Daily News have celebrated each summer by publishing their annual photo spread of the city’s so-called Sexy Singles. And so, this week, we’re embracing irony the most ironic way we can: by introducing you to Philly Weekly’s inaugural showcase of “Hipster Hunks.”
Philadelphia Weekly |
Timaree Schmit and Stephen Segal |
08-06-2015 |
Skinheads, KKK, Antifa -- What's Going on in Northeast Philly?new

Stemming from a car accident and recent KKK activity, tensions rise between Neo-Nazis and anti-fascist groups in one Northeast Philly neighborhood.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Randy LoBasso |
09-19-2014 |
Crime & Justice
When the Phillies Suck, The Working Man Suffersnew

A look at how Philadelphia's beer vendors' salaries are directly affected by the team's fortunes.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Randy LoBasso |
08-22-2014 |
Business & Labor
Inside the Lockdown at Community College of Philadelphianew

PW reporter Randy LoBasso teamed with Community College of Philadelphia student Zach Mentzer to write about what it was like yesterday after reports of a gunman on campus locked down the school.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Randy LoBasso and Zach Mentzer |
05-29-2014 |
Crime & Justice
Put This in Your Pipe: Democrats Running for Pa. Governor Support Marijuana Reformnew

Over the last six months, all Pennsylvania's Democrats running for governor have come out for at least some form of marijuana reform.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Randy LoBasso |
03-26-2014 |
Policy Issues
Activist Sued by "American Indian Patriot" Doesn't Accept Court's Rulingnew

A local Philly anarchist helped break up a white-pride event in 2010; almost four years later, one of the event's speakers -- a so-called "Native American Patriot" -- successfully sued him in an Oklahoma court.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Randy LoBasso |
02-26-2014 |
Crime & Justice
How Enroll America is Connecting Philadelphia Restaurant Workers with Obamacarenew

The reporter follows an Enroll America employee (and former bartender) through Philadelphia as he attempts to teach industry workers about Obamacare.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Randy LoBasso |
01-02-2014 |
Tags: Enroll America
Mumia supporters liken his imprisonment to Mandela'snew

About 100 youth activists from across Philadelphia gathered at this weekend’s Youth on the Move Forum with one shared goal: For Mumia Abu-Jamal’s legacy to live on, a new generation of social and political activists need to take the helm and spread his message.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Randy LoBasso |
12-13-2013 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: mumia abu-jamal
Some Will Lose Their Insurance Under Obamacare—and Ought to Celebratenew

Those with individual insurance plans in Philly are set to get dropped from their plans. Advocates say that's the best thing that could happen to them.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Randy LoBasso |
11-06-2013 |
Not if, but when, marijuana becomes legal in Pennsylvanianew

William Penn founded Pennsylvania as a hemp farming state. When the commonwealth comes around to ending THC prohibition, this and several other industries could save the state.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Randy LoBasso |
10-07-2013 |
Why Yuengling Wants Pennsylvania to be a 'Right to Work' Statenew

The owner of the Yuengling Brewing Company recently noted changing Pennsylvania's labor laws will bring jobs into the state. Evidence suggests he's mostly wrong.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Randy LoBasso |
08-28-2013 |
Business & Labor
Tags: Yuengling
Against medical advice, Corbett poised to sign another restrictive women's healthcare billnew
Pennsylvania Governor Corbett is expected to sign into law a bill that would mandate that private insurers participating in the state exchange not cover abortion, even when it threatens the health of the mother.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Tara Murtha |
06-13-2013 |
ACLU marijuana report offers new insight into growing problemnew

In Philadelphia, blacks are fives times more likely to be arrested—and, in some parts of Pennsylvania, 10 times more likely. Pennsylvania is amongst the 12 states with the highest number of marijuana arrests in 2010, according to the report. Similarly, as it pertains to increased marijuana arrests from 2001-2010, we’re 13th in the nation.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Randy LoBasso |
06-06-2013 |
Abortion Insurance Ban Passes Pa. Senatenew
The Pennsylvania Senate passed House Bill 818, which prohibits women from purchasing access to abortion coverage in the Obamacare health exchanges going into effect in 2014. It also prohibits private insurance companies from selling it.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Randy LoBasso |
06-06-2013 |
The War on Women
GunCrisis in Philadelphia: Another Night in Paradisenew

It's been one year since the solutions-oriented, volunteer journalism project GunCrisis was launched. Tonight, we see a body within two hours.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Tara Murtha |
04-28-2013 |
Crime & Justice