AltWeeklies Wire
Hash Oil: Medicinal, or Solvent-Laden Scare?new

Can you use hash oil medicinally?
Boston Phoenix |
Valerie Vande Panne |
02-28-2013 |
Tags: hash oil medicinal
Is Your Weed Covered?new

Will your health insurance cover medical marijuana?
Boston Phoenix |
Valerie Vande Panne |
02-15-2013 |
California Pot RX: Legal in MA?new

Will dispensaries in Massachusetts accept a medical-marijuana card from California?
Boston Phoenix |
Valerie Vande Panne |
02-07-2013 |
Flying High?new

Will you be able to take your medical marijuana across state lines? Your burning questions, answered.
Boston Phoenix |
Valerie Vande Panne |
01-31-2013 |
Students Occupy TransCanada Office in Keystone XL Protestnew

Boston-area college students lock And glue themselves inside TransCanada office to protest the Keystone XL pipeline.
Boston Phoenix |
Chris Faraone |
01-08-2013 |
Newtown and The Media's Delusional Narrative on Caucasian Mayhemnew

Crime coverage in minority areas rarely digs beneath the surface. Most outlets condense the tragedies into a singular disposable headline. Forget medical records – we don't even always learn the names of black shooters.
Boston Phoenix |
Chris Faraone |
12-18-2012 |
Mind The Bindernew

Mitt Romney was lying about that binder full of women.
Boston Phoenix |
David S. Bernstein |
10-17-2012 |
The War on Women
Tags: Mitt Romney
The DNC on LSDnew

Years ago, a writer friend explained how he always found that the best way to glimpse a conservative's soul, or lack thereof, is with a noggin full of LSD. He didn't mention what I might find around comparably obsessed lefties, though, so I set out to do some soul searching of my own.
Boston Phoenix |
Chris Faraone |
09-07-2012 |
Tags: LSD
15 Awesome SXSW Interactive Panels Every Journalist Should Listen Tonew

If you're willing to spend the next few weeks listening, you can get almost as much out of Austin as the muckety-mucks who actually attend.
Boston Phoenix |
Carly Carioli |
03-19-2012 |
Are Street Medics the Future of First Aid?new

Anarchistic, high-energy, and self-organized, street medics have been part of activist counterculture since the 1960s, and most recently, at Occupy encampments internationally.
Boston Phoenix |
Liz Pelly |
02-17-2012 |
Hi Bill Keller. The New York Times just stole our column. Should we sue?new

On Saturday, the New York Times blatantly and willfully violated the copyright of another publisher -- our publisher, actually.
Boston Phoenix |
Carly Carioli |
02-08-2012 |
All (Male) Things Considerednew

Gender bias at NPR — and what it reveals about the world of literary fiction.
Boston Phoenix |
Eugenia Williamson |
01-26-2012 |
Bus Stopped?new

The iconic campaign bus is no longer full of newspaper reporters writing for the folks back home. Are the political-junkie websites filling the void?
Boston Phoenix |
David S. Bernstein |
01-11-2012 |
Tags: Election 2012, Campaign Coverage
Calling Out 'Three Strikes'new

Is the country's most notoriously failed law coming to Massachusetts?
Boston Phoenix |
Chris Faraone |
01-06-2012 |
Policy Issues
Tags: Massachusetts, 3 strikes laws
Chomsky to Occupy: Move to the Next Stagenew

Noam Chomsky has advice for the Occupy movement, whose encampments all over the country are being swept away by police. The occupations were a "brilliant" idea, he says, but now it's time to "move on to the next stage" in tactics. He suggests political organizing in the neighborhoods.
Boston Phoenix |
Lance Tapley |
12-15-2011 |