AltWeeklies Wire
Forgive Us Our Trespassesnew

The world called Paul Pelton the 'Nightcrawler of Lorain' after police arrested him for videotaping a grisly crash scene and trying to sell the footage. It was a devastating story, except it wasn't true.
Cleveland Scene |
Sam Allard |
08-19-2015 |
The Corvette Thiefnew

78-year-old Dan Ott has stolen more than 1,000 cars in his life. And left plenty of damage along the way
Cleveland Scene |
Vince Grzegorek |
07-30-2015 |
The Struggle at Schoolnew

Are new policies at Cleveland's most diverse high school helping Hispanic students or leaving them further behind?
Cleveland Scene |
Eric Sandy |
06-10-2015 |
Law & Order:
What happens when the police need prosecuting?
Cleveland Scene |
Sam Allard |
01-20-2015 |
Crime & Justice
Forgotten Assaultnew

A brutal attack on two transgender women in 2011 foreshadowed several troubling years of violent crime against the LGBT community in Cleveland, and the city's ill-equipped ability to respond.
Cleveland Scene |
Eric Sandy |
12-24-2014 |
Tags: hate crimes
Why Are More Americans Failing the GED?new

Nearly 500,000 fewer Americans will pass the GED in 2014 after a major overhaul to the test. Why? And who's left behind?
Cleveland Scene |
Daniel McGraw |
12-19-2014 |
Good Kids, Bad Citynew

Three men exonerated after 39 years in prison for a Cleveland murder they didn't commit.
Cleveland Scene |
Kyle Swenson |
12-03-2014 |
Who Shot Chris Heben?new
The strange tale of a former Navy SEAL and the suburban shopping plaza shooting that never happened.
Cleveland Scene |
Doug Brown |
11-20-2014 |
Robert Roche and the Origins of American Indian Activism in Clevelandnew

"Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself — and I will obey every law or submit to the penalty." — Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce, Credo of the American Indian Movement.
Cleveland Scene |
Sam Allard |
10-02-2014 |
Emptiest Catch?new

The quest for local fish and lake-to-table dining in Cleveland.
Cleveland Scene |
Lee Chilcote |
09-10-2014 |
Tags: Cleveland, Lake-to-Table
Lost in Wilberforcenew

America's oldest historically black private college is on the verge of losing its accreditation. Can it be saved?
Cleveland Scene |
Sam Allard |
08-22-2014 |
Tainted bloomnew

A Toxic Algae Bloom Caused a Three-Day Ban on Water Usage for a Half-Million Residents in Toledo. Experts Say it's a 'Wake-Up Call' for Lake Erie
Cleveland Scene |
Ryan Felton |
08-19-2014 |
Prostitute Anonymousnew
Tales of the street from a former Cleveland madame.
Cleveland Scene |
Sam Allard |
06-27-2014 |
Tags: Cleveland, Drug trafficking
The Promise Ringnew

Alex Sheen centered his entire future on nothing more complicated than the power of a promise. How that little notion became the basis for a nonprofit that's connected tens of thousands and what's next for his little Lakewood project
Cleveland Scene |
Vince Grzegorek |
06-11-2014 |
Gone Daddy Gonenew
Elizabeth Perez served in the Marines, went to college and started a family. Now she's fighting immigration laws after her husband was deported to Mexico.
Cleveland Scene |
Eric Sandy |
05-27-2014 |