AltWeeklies Wire

Margin Call's Ensemble Cast Exhibits the Perversities of Wall Streetnew

The world documented in the financial thriller Margin Call feels almost like ancient history by now. Set back in the good ole days when many Americans were still living high on the hog, the film takes place in a Manhattan investment bank on the precipice of the 2008 financial meltdown.
Charleston City Paper  |  Felicia Feaster  |  11-03-2011  |  Reviews

'Margin Call' Occupies Wall Streetnew

If the current global financial crisis is remotely interesting to you, I can't recommend Margin Call enough.
Boise Weekly  |  George Prentice  |  10-26-2011  |  Reviews

Review: Margin Callnew

A well-crafted and -acted disaster movie, 'Margin Call' is like 'Titanic,' except the financial system is the boat and the characters are the crew AND the iceberg.
NUVO  |  Ed Johnson-Ott  |  10-19-2011  |  Reviews

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