AltWeeklies Wire

Sunny Day Real Estate's Dan Hoerner Leaves a Quiet Life to Play Rock Star Againnew

For Hoerner, a Spokane resident and native, this isn't just a reunion tour. It's a visit to a past life -- a life buried under births and deaths, under 9-to-5 jobs, long-gone fame and quiet anonymity.
The Inlander  |  Leah Sottile  |  10-08-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

While Their Peers Rake in Reunion Tour Cash, The Jesus Lizard Says It'll Be One and Outnew

While the rekindled friendships and passions have been something the entire band has thrived on, frontman David Yow warns that those hoping for more shouldn't expect a prolonged presence.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Paul Saitowitz  |  10-07-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

Why My Bloody Valentine Isn't Anything to Dismiss: A Fan's Sonic Memorynew

I don't even know if I'm going to see MBV this week. If I don't, I suspect I'll still hear their noise, or feel it, from across town. If I can touch that instrumental passage of "You Made Me Realise," I'll grab on to a point within it. That point will be my nostalgia. It'll levitate, compress, and then shatter.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Johnny Ray Huston  |  09-24-2008  |  Music

My Bloody Valentine's Tour Points to Pitfalls of a Generations's Reunion-Fueled Nostalgianew

Which My Bloody Valentine will reappear this fall when Kevin Shields and company tour the states for the first time since 1992? The feedback scientists who briefly earned the title of "Loudest Band Ever," or the shaggy shoegazers who fans, including myself, know and adore?
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Mosi Reeves  |  09-24-2008  |  Music

Polvo Taps the Nostalgia on Reunion Tournew

I saw them perform their first show back at Washington, D.C.'s venerable Black Cat in mid-May. The band took the stage to hoots and hollers from a packed house of exactly what you'd expect -- aging white guys whose glory days had long passed.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Brian McManus  |  07-07-2008  |  Concerts

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