AltWeeklies Wire
Responding to Energy Crisis, John McCain Goes Nuclearnew
McCain has announced a number of controversial ways to solve this nation's energy crisis. Along with suggesting offshore drilling and supporting big tax write-offs for big oil, McCain has also called for building up to 100 additional nuclear facilities within the United States.
Shepherd Express |
Lisa Kaiser |
06-27-2008 |
One Power the People Don't Neednew
California's Proposition 80 is a misguided measure that compels a clueless public to vote on complex energy policies far better left to wonks and engineers.
East Bay Express |
Chris Thompson |
10-10-2005 |
Meter Beatersnew
Californians could lose if utilities are compelled to hook their homes up to Internet-controlled "smart meters" that will monitor their energy demand in real time.
North Bay Bohemian |
Peter Byrne |
08-30-2005 |