AltWeeklies Wire

Federal Regulators Crack Down on Egregious Credit Card Industry Practicesnew

Under proposed rules, card companies would have to give consumers more time to make payments before charging late fees. If a bill carries two different interest rates, card issuers would be barred from applying payments to the lower interest charge first. They also would be limited in raising the interest rate on an outstanding balance.
Shepherd Express  |  Ken Reibel  |  05-23-2008  |  Economy

Mortgage Company Breaks Trust With Amish Familiesnew

World Home Lending has lured several Amish families in Ohio into mortgage loans they claim they didn't understand. But when two men in the community warned others to be cautious, the company sued them for slander.
Cleveland Scene  |  Lisa Rab  |  11-09-2005  |  Business & Labor

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