AltWeeklies Wire

The Music Industry's Format Warsnew

CD sales are down, vinyl and download sales are up, and record labels are doing the math.
Chicago Reader  |  Miles Raymer  |  04-28-2008  |  Music

Make Believe is Coming!new

Make Believe has nothing to hide. That's probably why drummer Nate Kinsella felt the need to a Christian rock show.
Dig Boston  |  Michael Kanin  |  11-03-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Not This Singer's Best Worknew

Make Believe is the Chicago-based Tim Kinsella's latest band, but its powers pale in comparison to his other one-time ensembles, Joan of Arc and Owls.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Mosi Reeves  |  10-06-2005  |  Reviews

Coveting Cuomonew

On Make Believe, celebrated frontman Rivers Cuomo reaches out beyond Weezer's core audience.
Boston Phoenix  |  Nick Sylvester  |  05-20-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

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