AltWeeklies Wire

Portishead is Back and More Depressing than Evernew

As a minimalist distillation of the emotional judo that's the band's specialty, Third is an undeniable coup. Beth Gibbons and company have graduated to a new sophistication, conveying with tiny gestures and rough stabs what used to take them long builds and whole songs.
Chicago Reader  |  Brian Nemtusak  |  05-05-2008  |  Reviews

Portishead Forgets Everything It Knows About Dreadnew

Third feels like an exploratory exercise and a reintroduction rolled into a somewhat flat, frowny package, wrapped in rough burlap. In 2001 or '02 it might have registered as a rudderless junior slump; in 2008, it's just lame.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Raymond Cummings  |  04-29-2008  |  Reviews

The Aeroplane Flies Highnew

Kim Cooper has taken the first real crack at unraveling the mystique of In the Aeroplane Over the Sea, the most influential indie-rock record of the past decade, in a tome for Continuum Books' immensely popular 33 1/3 series.
East Bay Express  |  Rob Harvilla  |  12-22-2005  |  Nonfiction

Predictably, Nader's Running Riles the Green Partynew

Back in March, some Green Party activists were warning that Ralph Nader -- who was still mulling another presidential campaign -- could damage the Green movement by running as an independent. Fast-forward five months: Nader is, indeed, running as an independent.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  08-16-2004  |  Politics

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