AltWeeklies Wire

Rodrigo y Gabriela Strum and Pluck with Extreme Originalitynew

Rodrigo y Gabriela could have been just another heavy metal garage band from Mexico City and you'd never have heard of them. But a fateful decision to sell their equipment and buy nylon-string guitars and plane tickets to Ireland changed everything.
Charleston City Paper  |  Stratton Lawrence  |  03-10-2010  |  Concerts

Rodrigo y Gabriela Rock the Worldnew

Rod y Gab, as they're known to their fans, are an anomaly, popular well beyond the world-music pigeonhole where such acts tend to languish.
San Diego CityBeat  |  AnnaMaria Stephens  |  09-12-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Not Your Typical Duonew

Rodrigo y Gabriela work their heavy-metal and busking experiences into their signature style.
Tucson Weekly  |  Gene Armstrong  |  09-05-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Mexican Couple Get Big Breaknew

This lovely young Mexican couple busked their way into Damien Rice's heart by dishing up muscular and melodic instrumental tracks on acoustic guitars.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jason Ferguson  |  10-23-2006  |  Reviews

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