AltWeeklies Wire

America Needs to Do a Better Job Selling Itselfnew

When America's stock is tumbling, all it does is change its bureaucrats or tweak its hopelessly unpopular policies. George W. Bush is the perfect man to head a total restructuring of the America brand during his last days in office.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  David Faris  |  07-29-2008  |  Commentary

So What, America?new

Cheney's "so what?" means he's not going to change his mind about the war that he knows is right, even if he is wrong. "So what?" means that Bush is going to veto any bill that Congress passes that might interfere with "winning" -- but just what are we supposed to be winning in Iraq?
Random Lengths News  |  James P. Allen  |  04-18-2008  |  Commentary

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