AltWeeklies Wire
Political NASCARnew

A Republican millionaire’s plan to shame the California Legislature into reform.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Josh Koehn |
03-14-2016 |
Trump Changenew

Americans are pondering fleeing their homeland in record numbers if Donald Trump’s hairpiece ends up hanging in the White House master bedroom after November’s election and word is getting out Svalbard may be the easiest to emigrate to and provide a Definitely Not Donald lifestyle.
Snowden and the elephant in the roomnew

“Consent is only consent if it is informed.”
Boulder Weekly |
Joel Dyer |
02-22-2016 |
Is Ted Cruz eligible to run in Illinois?new

Objections filed with Illinois election board raise questions.
Illinois Times |
Patrick Yeagle |
01-28-2016 |
Fake it ’til you make it, Jugheadnew

The most popular guy in town — good looking and oblivious to what’s going on around him — won’t sacrifice his personal time for work, but his (Tea Party) friends know how to get him motivated. Despite not being known for having the same insatiable appetite, the Paul Ryan-Jughead resemblance is uncanny.
LEO Weekly |
Aaron Yarmuth |
01-14-2016 |
Race to the Bottomnew

2015 proved (again) that this country still is not ready for its first black president.
North Bay Bohemian |
Tom Gogola |
12-31-2015 |
PDX to Trump: Drop Deadnew

How David Douglas School District proves Donald Trump wrong.
Willamette Week |
Beth Slovic |
12-11-2015 |
Tags: Immigrants, Presidential politics
Trump up the Volume!new

California GOP politics in the era of Trump.
North Bay Bohemian |
Tom Gogola |
10-08-2015 |
Socialist Party to Convene in Milwaukeenew
The Socialist Party USA is returning to its roots — in Milwaukee
The party’s national convention takes place Oct. 16–18 at the Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, 926 E. Center St., Milwaukee.
Wisconsin Gazette |
Lisa Neff |
09-30-2015 |
AG rules against Rauner, in favor of Illinois Timesnew

Why did Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner leave a Holocaust remembrance ceremony early? We tried to find out, but Rauner has refused to turn over an unredacted copy of his appointment calendar. Illinois Times has sued the governor, with the Illinois Attorney General backing the paper.
Illinois Times |
Bruce Rushton |
09-30-2015 |
Anatomy of a Facebook Uprisingnew

The Neighborhood Council motion that sparked citywide reaction.
Random Lengths News |
James Preston Allen |
09-10-2015 |
November Election: Party Lines Drawn Earlynew
Education funding, job creation and fighting corruption are at the top of many Mississippi statewide candidates' lists heading into the November election.
Jackson Free Press |
Arielle Dreher |
08-14-2015 |
Keep on Truckin: Meet Robert Graynew
It was not until 7:36 on the morning of Aug. 5 that anyone found out what Robert Gray looked like, much less how he wound up being the Democratic Party's presumptive nominee for Mississippi governor.
Jackson Free Press |
R.L. Nave |
08-14-2015 |
‘Empower’ PAC Helps Oust Anti-Charter Republicansnew
Empower Mississippi, a nonprofit dedicated to school choice, used its political arm, the Empower PAC, to unseat four incumbent Republican candidates for the Mississippi House of Representatives in the DeSoto County primary elections on Aug. 4.
Jackson Free Press |
Arielle Dreher |
08-13-2015 |
Sanders' Shifting Stance on Super PACsnew

Few things differentiate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) from his presidential rivals more than his aversion to super PACs — or so he'd like you to think. The Vermont independent can barely get through a speech or a campaign email without denouncing his opponents for relying upon unlimited contributions to the quasi-independent fundraising entities...
Seven Days |
Paul Heintz |
07-24-2015 |