AltWeeklies Wire

Isn't That Super? A Dispatch from the 31st Annual Superman Celebrationnew

Each year since 1979, fans of Superman from around the world descend upon Metropolis, a sleepy hamlet (population 6,482) on the banks of the Ohio River at the southern tip of Illinois, to pay their respects to the iconic "Man of Steel." This year, we were there.
Riverfront Times  |  Jennifer Silverberg  |  07-31-2009  |  Culture

Springfield, Ill., Was an Important Station on the Underground Railroadnew

Part of the intrigue of the Underground Railroad is its mystery -- we'll never know the whole story. Its activists tried to keep their work secret, so they kept no official records; many African-American participants couldn't read or write, which prevented them from leaving records. What we know comes from oral histories, journals, and memoirs sometimes found by luck.
Illinois Times  |  Tara McClellan McAndrew  |  07-21-2008  |  History

Girls Gone Wildnew

Shrinking violets, step aside: the Red Hat ladies have arrived.
Illinois Times  |  Celeste Huttes  |  11-23-2005  |  Culture

Buffet Killer. Qu'est-Ce Que C'est?new

Las Vegas has the reputation for buffets, but Springfield, Ill., delivers, with more than a dozen restaurants that offer the chance to eat yourself to death.
Illinois Times  |  Bruce Rushton  |  11-11-2005  |  Food+Drink

Top Pool Sharks Fight for the Game's Respectabilitynew

Professional players can't survive on the meager tournament winnings pool offers, and their reputation as renegades hasn't helped the sport's image.
Riverfront Times  |  Randall Roberts  |  10-25-2005  |  Recreation

Jockey Phenomenon Bounces Back From Bad Breaknew

Seventeen-year-old Kyle Kaenel, who broke his neck in Phoenix, Ariz., is back on the track and winning.
Illinois Times  |  Bruce Rushton  |  10-14-2005  |  Sports

Young African-American Aims to Be Champion Bowlernew

Somebody forgot to tell 21-year-old Emil Williams Jr. that bowling is for fat, beer-guzzling honkies.
Riverfront Times  |  Mike Seely  |  09-27-2005  |  Sports

Revisionist History: Dig Upsets Descendant of Freed Slavenew

A former University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign professor has denounced recent efforts to recreate what is considered the country's first town founded by an African American.
Illinois Times  |  Todd Spivak  |  07-15-2004  |  History

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