AltWeeklies Wire

Some Uncomfortable Irony in the Dave Matthews Band's Drive to be Greennew

The quintet runs a website that will help fans carpool to shows, but when they tour the country together, Dave Matthews, LeRoi Moore, Stefan Lessard, Boyd Tinsley, and Carter Beauford each travel on separate buses.
Seattle Weekly  |  Chris Kornelis  |  05-12-2008  |  Music

How Green is My Music?new

We won't even get into the acres of paper, publications, and CDs surrounding this red-faced, would-be greenster. I'm downloading as fast as I can, but I wonder whether my hard drive can keep up: hells, even MP3s add to my huge, honking footprint. Must I resign myself to daytime acoustic throw-downs within a walkable radius from my berth? Can I get a hand-crank laptop?
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Kimberly Chun  |  04-16-2008  |  Music

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