AltWeeklies Wire

Kissing Oscar Wildenew

Jade Sylvan is an award-winning poet, author, performance artist, yoga teacher, and bon vivant based in Cambridge. Or as she puts it: “Troubadour, Eschatologist, Bum.” Her latest book, Kissing Oscar Wilde: A Love Story in the City of Light is out October 3—here’s a sneak peek at the first few chapters.
Dig Boston  |  Jade Sylvan  |  08-14-2013  |  Excerpts

Favorite Books of 2009 (Yes, We Still Read Books)new

"What? Reading?" In a year when we were all too busy tweeting on our iPhones to cook a meal, even the ever-present Kindle-coma is preferable to no reading at all. So, if you're willing to stop playing Farmville for a minute, here are a few books worth skimming at the local bookshop.
Dig Boston  |  Rachael Katz  |  12-30-2009  |  Books

The Onion Gets Stale With 'Our Dumb World'new

Our Dumb World more closely resembles a reference book of tired stereotypes than a fresh atlas-platform for inventive lampoons.
Dig Boston  |  Mark Polanzak  |  11-07-2007  |  Nonfiction

Mark Z. Danielewski Frustrates Critics, Dyslexicsnew

Depending on who you ask, Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves is either the greatest literary achievement since Finnegans Wake, or a hopelessly pretentious gimmick -- his latest book, Only Revolutions, widens the divide even more
Dig Boston  |  Mark Baumer  |  09-27-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Have Your Fall Books Yet?new

This autumn, hide inside, shun the cruel farce known as "society" and spend time with the one friend who won't ultimately betray you and leave you for dead: the printed word.
Dig Boston  |  Paul McMorrow  |  09-20-2007  |  Books

History Lesson (Part I)new

Mike Fournier takes on the Minutemen in his book for the 33 1/3 series.
Dig Boston  |  Michael Brodeur  |  08-15-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

'(Not That You Asked)': I'm Telling You Anywaynew

This guy's not gonna stop writing this drivel until he gets a TV show -- so just buy the stupid book and file it under "literary pityfuck."
Dig Boston  |  Steve Almond  |  08-15-2007  |  Nonfiction

Provincetown's Very Own James Frey?new

Bill Schneider claims his book Crossed Paths was selected for Oprah's Book Club and posts a chatty transcript from Oprah's show on his website -- but it doesn't seem like either ever happened.
Dig Boston  |  Thomas Kilduf  |  08-08-2007  |  Books

Still Icky After All These Yearsnew

Chuck Palahniuk puts out books the way The Beatles and the Stones used to release records -- nearly every year, with a workmanlike precision and an incredible sense of artistry.
Dig Boston  |  David Wildman  |  05-10-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

A Complete Twain Wrecknew

Clinch may not have rewritten the American canon, but he's created a hell of a character to remember.
Dig Boston  |  Zak M. Salih  |  04-04-2007  |  Fiction

Lethem is More Emo Than Younew

Especially coming after the arresting, atmospheric Motherless Brooklyn and the genuinely great coming-of-age story The Fortress of Solitude, Lethem's latest feels irksomely insubstantial -- but I can't write it off completely.
Dig Boston  |  Stewart Mason  |  03-28-2007  |  Fiction

Chandra does Chandlernew

Vikram Chandra's Sacred Games is the latest entry in the literary genre best described as the Big-Ass Book.
Dig Boston  |  Stewart Mason  |  03-07-2007  |  Fiction

History's Evil Trinitynew

Hitler, Satan and Norman Mailer.
Dig Boston  |  Zak M. Salih  |  03-07-2007  |  Fiction

Future Imperfectnew

Don't forget to tip your Messiah.
Dig Boston  |  Zak M. Salih  |  02-14-2007  |  Fiction

Baby Got Backnew

Even the 19th-century's most educated individuals were rendered simple-minded by Baartman's booty-shaking.
Dig Boston  |  Zak M. Salih  |  01-31-2007  |  Nonfiction

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