AltWeeklies Wire

Election '08: Catholic Identity Politicsnew

Delegates don't matter. Money doesn't matter. Reverend Jeremiah Wright's statements about AIDS as a US government conspiracy to kill blacks, and about American perfidy at home and abroad, may have doomed Senator Barack Obama's candidacy for president -- because millions of traditional Democratic voters don't want to be blamed for old wrongs.
Artvoice  |  Bruce Fisher  |  03-28-2008  |  Commentary

Putting Eliot Spitzer in Perspectivenew

There's something about this whole case that's a lot more disturbing than a simple sex scandal. Spitzer, for all his faults, was the highest-profile semi-progressive politician in the country. We had too much riding on Eliot Spitzer for him to let us down.
Artvoice  |  Michael I. Niman  |  03-21-2008  |  Commentary

Election '08: The Muddled Candidatesnew

Presidential candidates are very good at posturing bravely on race, religion and endorsements. There is a curious silence, however, on the issue of the financial future of the country.
Artvoice  |  Bruce Fisher  |  03-21-2008  |  Commentary

With New Film Project, Professor Griff Takes on African-American Media Stereotypesnew

Griff's most famous role in that long career is minister of communications for Public Enemy, but Griff (born Richard Griffin) has made his own name in the world as well, separate from but always in pursuit of the same agenda that drove Public Enemy: empowering black people, countering media dissembling, fighting the powers that be.
Artvoice  |  Geoff Kelly  |  03-14-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Clock is Ticking on Great Lakes Cleanupnew

John Austin of the Brookings Institution says that if the government spends $26 billion cleaning up the Great Lakes, the economic benefit to America will be $80 to $100 billion. Will the next president step up?
Artvoice  |  Bruce Fisher  |  03-14-2008  |  Environment

Gaming the Viewernew

Why would you want to watch a film about a couple and their young son held prisoner and tortured by a pair of bullying psychopaths?
Artvoice  |  M. Faust  |  03-14-2008  |  Reviews

Artvoice Exclusive: Eliot Spitzer's New Music Videonew

Now that Eliot Spitzer's political career seems to have ended, it looks as if the former Guv may have his eyes focused on a musical career to fill the void. From Ruler to Rocker ... can the Grammys far behind?
Artvoice  |  Staff  |  03-14-2008  |  Commentary

McCain Goes North On Usnew

Trying to sound presidential and court that elusive Canadian voter, the Republican candidate scolds Obama on NAFTA.
Artvoice  |  Bruce Fisher  |  03-07-2008  |  Commentary

Want Change?new

Don't count on the candidates -- take to the streets.
Artvoice  |  Michael I. Niman  |  03-07-2008  |  Commentary

FOILed Againnew

None of the editors and government officials I spoke with in other cities had ever worked in a city that had a communications policy as restrictive as Buffalo's.
Artvoice  |  Geoff Kelly  |  02-22-2008  |  Media

Election '08: He Said, She Said ... And Who Else Said?new

I doubt that the Clinton-Obama fight over footnotes will work as it did 20 years ago, when quotations-without-attribution turned into accusations of plagiarism and ended Joe Biden's presidential candidacy.
Artvoice  |  Bruce Fisher  |  02-22-2008  |  Politics

Brian De Palma's Acts of Regressionnew

Debuting on home video this week, Redacted only played theaters in a handful of cities last fall, though it stirred up more than its share of controversy.
Artvoice  |  M. Faust  |  02-22-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Collection Explores Writing as Revolutionary Activismnew

Spanning over a quarter century of conflict in the Middle East, and forwarding the voices of sixty poets from multiple nations, this collection offers an intricate understanding of what it means to resist, to give birth to change, to create meaning out of astonishing political chaos and violence
Artvoice  |  Heather Bidell  |  02-08-2008  |  Poetry

Let's Hope Real Comedy Comes into Playnew

You know how most DVDs come with extra features about the making of movie, interviews with the stars and the director, and whatever else was captured on film that fans might find moderately interesting? They seem to have got it backward here.
Artvoice  |  M. Faust  |  02-08-2008  |  Reviews

We Fight Because People Liednew

The nonprofit, nonpartisan Center for Public Integrity ( recently compiled a searchable database of lies George W. Bush and his above-mentioned underlings told regarding Iraq over a two-year period starting on September 11, 2001. There were 935 “false statements.”
Artvoice  |  Michael I. Niman  |  02-08-2008  |  War

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