AltWeeklies Wire

UFOIA: Paranormal Experts Feel Alienated by Obamanew

Right now, Barack Obama's plate is heaped over with health insurance reform. But just as the US lags behind the rest of the Western world on universal coverage, paranormal truth-seekers say the US also trails Europe when it comes to the release of UFO records.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Dave Maass  |  09-17-2009  |  Culture

Mystery Man: Author Tony Hillerman's Legacy Lives Onnew

Hillerman began his career as a journalist for The Santa Fe New Mexican and went on to author more than 30 books, most of which were mystery novels set in New Mexico -- more specifically, Navajo lands. Hillerman died last October at the age of 83.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Charlotte Jusinski  |  09-17-2009  |  Books

Where's the Money? SFR Hunts for Santa Fe's Wealthiestnew

The Great Recession has thrown at least 3,300 Santa Feans out of work since last August. At that rate, one student in every Santa Fe classroom has a parent who has lost a job. The wealthy have felt the contraction, too: Yesterday's billionaires are today's ... hundred millionaires.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Corey Pein  |  09-10-2009  |  Economy

So-Called Manifesto for Sustainable Cities is a Far Cry from Global Vision it Claims to Espousenew

A new book called Albert Speer & Partner: A Manifesto for Sustainable Cities aims to address the urban-planning end of the spectrum and clarify best practices in the field. Unfortunately, despite its grandiose title (a manifesto!), the book is a simple monograph on the work of one architecture and planning firm, and a platform only for its views.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Zane Fischer  |  09-10-2009  |  Nonfiction

Dustball Drivers Search for the True Wild West on a One-of-a-Kind Scavenger Huntnew

I belted in for the 2009 Dustball 1500 and copped rides between some of the 30 teams participating in the 1500-mile road rally across the American Southwest. Launching from El Paso, Texas, teams were handed a manila envelope filled with instructions, directions, visual clues, riddles and math problems that must be solved in order to earn points and, in some instances, find their way.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Dave Maass  |  08-27-2009  |  Culture

New Mexico's Medical Cannabis Coordinator Quits, Questions Pot Producer's Practicesnew

New Mexico's Medical Cannabis Program coordinator has resigned and, due to budget constraints and a hiring freeze, the state Department of Health has not refilled the position yet. The vacancy is another hurdle for a program that some patients and advocates say has been too slow to achieve its statutory goal.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Dave Maass  |  08-27-2009  |  Drugs

'Deeply Rooted' Profiles Farmers Who Refuse to Fit the Agribusiness Moldnew

Even though Lisa Hamilton narrows her focus to the extent that Deeply Rooted doesn't capture the breadth that it might have otherwise, she still conveys the raw truth that a positive food future lies in the hands of irascible individuals rather than corporations and captains of industry.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Zane Fischer  |  08-27-2009  |  Nonfiction

Recent Raids Shed Light on New Mexican Looting Syndicatenew

Using undercover sources, agents from the FBI and the US Bureau of Land Management spent more than two years infiltrating a tight-knit community of looters in New Mexico who dig up graves and pillage archaeological sites on public lands, then sell the items they find to dealers and collectors.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Laura Paskus  |  08-20-2009  |  History

New Mexico's White Supremacists Keep the Hate Alivenew

The national climate is spurring racist organizations to regroup and reinvent themselves by latching onto "birther" conspiracy theories, homophobia and immigration fears, while promoting new philosophies of semi-tolerance and non-violence.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Dave Maass  |  08-14-2009  |  Race & Class

The Early Birds: New Mexico Pols Build Momentum for 2010new

With nearly 1.2 million registered voters in the state of New Mexico, it would take a statewide candidate 833 days working around the clock to spend a personal minute with each one of them. And you wonder why candidates are announcing more than a year ahead of the 2010 election.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Dave Maass  |  07-31-2009  |  Politics

Cannabizness: New Mexico's Medical Marijuana Industry is About to Bloomnew

Want to break into the marijuana business? You too can learn how to grow it, cook it, distribute it and, best of all, it's 100 percent legal. If Canntechs were to advertise on late-night television, that might be the pitch.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Dave Maass  |  07-24-2009  |  Drugs

Will Wolves Be Saved Under New Mexico's Recovery Program?new

Under a questionable partnership, the Fish and Wildlife Service has managed to give away its statutory responsibility to recover endangered species to a consortium of agencies, allege critics of the way wolf introduction is being managed in the southwest. Wolves are being removed -- or killed -- by the very people charged with reintroducing the animals to the wild.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Laura Paskus  |  07-16-2009  |  Animal Issues

Can a City Really Tell You When and Where You Can or Can't Play Music?new

As it turns out, a license for busking in Santa Fe costs $35 per calendar year. The license comes with a host of guidelines that include when buskers can play, where they can play and how long they can play there; it also specifies that there can be no amplification. All this raises somewhat existential questions.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Alex De Vore  |  07-09-2009  |  Music

Santa Fe Commuter Rail Can't Find Downtown Parkingnew

Twice each weekday, the New Mexico Rail Runner makes an empty run from the downtown Santa Fe Railyard to a rail spur across town near I-25. There the train sits for hours, until it's time to go back downtown and pick up passengers at the Railyard.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Corey Pein  |  06-04-2009  |  Transportation

Medical Marijuana Martyr Grinds New Mexico's Programnew

Epidemiologist and longtime pot grower Bernie Ellis has concluded that the policy makers in the New Mexico Department of Health are either uninformed or in passive opposition to the state's medical cannabis program.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Maassive  |  06-04-2009  |  Policy Issues

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