AltWeeklies Wire

A Keepernew

Working for Barry Bingham Jr. was a true honor.
LEO Weekly  |  Billy Reed  |  04-10-2006  |  Media

Barry Bingham Jr., 1933-2006new

Bingham was a visionary media mogul who led by example.
LEO Weekly  |  John Yarmuth  |  04-10-2006  |  Media

Home On the Rangenew

At the Knob Creek Gun Range, the sound of gunfire is a popular American song.
LEO Weekly  |  Marty Pearl  |  04-03-2006  |  Recreation

Let the Sun Shine Innew

No one seems to know if Louisville's Arena Authority is a public entity, which helps arena advocates do their work behind closed doors.
LEO Weekly  |  Billy Reed  |  03-13-2006  |  Housing & Development

Compilations Showcase Talents of Cambodian, Thai Popsters

Western influences abound on these compilations, but the talent of the Southeast Asian singers comes through loud and clear.
LEO Weekly  |  Michael Steiger  |  10-14-2005  |  Reviews

Moral Mendacity

In his new book -- a stocking stuffer for the pissed-off liberal in your family -- first-time author Bryan Harris lays out the facts about moralistic rightwingers who have their own skeletons. Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh, you've been served.
LEO Weekly  |  Cary Stemle  |  09-22-2005  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

'This I Believe' Returns to Radio

NPR has revived the old Edward R. Murrow radio show in which people from all walks of life were asked to state their core beliefs.
LEO Weekly  |  Willie Davis  |  03-25-2005  |  Media

Seymour Hersh's Stream of Consciousnessnew

Preparing for a public appearance, Hersh says he won’t follow an outline, but instead will just "talk about what’s going on" -- as he does in this interview with Elizabeth Kramer, in rapid-fire sentences infused with fervor.
LEO Weekly  |  Elizabeth Kramer  |  03-01-2005  |  Media

Hunting for the Truthnew

Hunter Thompson was the quintessential advocacy journalist. There was nothing remotely reliable about his reporting. Some would say the same thing about Fox News, The New York Times, LEO, Rush Limbaugh, Dan Rather and the wide world of bloggers.
LEO Weekly  |  John Yarmuth  |  02-28-2005  |  Media

Reservists Reluctant to Seek Mental Health Helpnew

The Iraqi-Afghanistan Combat Care Coordinator at the Louisville VA Medical Center says soldiers returning from combat in Iraq and Afghanistan are reluctant to take advantage of the Veteran Administration’s mental health services for post-traumatic stress. Some fear having documentation that they sought help in VA files.
LEO Weekly  |  Michael L. Jones  |  01-11-2005  |  War

Radio Producers Will Revive Edward R. Murrow Classicnew

During the Communist witchhunt of the 1950s, Edward R. Murrow's daily radio show "This I Believe" boasted 39 million listeners, who tuned in to hear regular Americans state their own beliefs. A new version of the show is set to start on NPR in January.
LEO Weekly  |  Willie Davis  |  06-29-2004  |  Media

"The Return" Continues Long-Held Tradition in Russian Cinemanew

For almost 100 years now, the Russians have been making some of the world’s greatest movies for nobody other than themselves. Ignoring the traps of current events, “The Return” asks universal questions about family, religion and the natural world.
LEO Weekly  |  Alan Abbott  |  06-03-2004  |  Reviews

High School Radio Station Promotes Creativity and Communitynew

WNAS-FM, a 55-year-old New Albany High School station, claims a small but loyal niche of listeners who love the station for positively flying the bird at mainstream radio.
LEO Weekly  |  Sara Havens  |  06-01-2004  |  Media

Boys Killed by Mortars When U.S. Raid Interrupted by Insurgentsnew

A Texas-based platoon's planned raid on a mosque goes wrong after soldiers spot a roadside bomb and are attacked by mortar rounds. Two Iraqi boys are killed. Terry Boyd's article and photos are reprinted from Stars and Stripes.
LEO Weekly  |  Terry Boyd  |  05-27-2004  |  International

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