AltWeeklies Wire
Who's Making Our Medicine?new
To treat everything from allergies to heart problems, half of Americans take a prescription medicine every day. It’s perfectly safe, though, because the Food and Drug Administration regulates the ingredients, right?
The Texas Observer |
Jim Hightower |
03-12-2009 |
Systemic Neglect at Texas' Troubled Insitutions for the Mentally Retardednew
Texas has the largest remaining set of mental institutions in the nation, housing the state's most vulnerable: some can't feed or dress themselves, and others can't even rise from a gurney or speak. And according to government records, the very people charged with caring for these patients are victimizing them.
The Texas Observer |
Dave Mann |
05-07-2008 |
Hurricane-Related Mental Health Issues Challenge Care Systemnew
Mental health advocates are wondering how Texas -- which has a horrendous record of caring for its mentally ill citizens -- can meet the needs of Texans experiencing post-traumatic stress after hurricanes Rita and Katrina.
The Texas Observer |
Dave Mann |
12-05-2005 |