AltWeeklies Wire

Has Smoking Cessation Gotten Easier?new

Government regulations, high taxes, cultural trends and improved cessation programs may provide the incentives cigarette smokers need to quit.
Gambit  |  Kandace Power Graves  |  05-05-2009  |  Science

Bacterial Meningitis Is a Deadly But Preventable Illnessnew

Meningitis continues to kill young adults in the United States, although there is a vaccine effective against most types. One mother's loss led to legislation requiring the immunization for adolescents and college freshmen.
Gambit  |  Kandace Power Graves  |  04-14-2009  |  Science

Shortage of Mental Health Pros Puts New Orleans' Psychological Recovery at Risknew

While Louisiana officials recently authorized much-needed funding to shore up New Orleans' resources for severely mentally ill patients and crisis care, reports from local mental health professionals and outside studies indicate the city continues to suffer from a quiet, expansive epidemic: post-Katrina depression and anxiety.
Gambit  |  Sammy Mack  |  05-08-2008  |  Science

The BMI Numbers Gamenew

"BMI isn't a tool for the general public. It's a tool for nutritionists," says Marion McGavran, program director of the eating disorders unit at River Oaks Hospital.
Gambit  |  David Winkler-Schmit  |  02-13-2008  |  Science

Probable Causenew

For one woman, what appeared to be a migraine headache almost killed her.
Gambit  |  David Winkler-Schmit  |  01-03-2008  |  Science

Invisible Patientsnew

A growing population of undocumented, uninsured migrant workers helping to rebuild New Orleans find it difficult to get health care.
Gambit  |  Sammy Mack  |  12-05-2007  |  Science

Coroner Often Holds Up Organ Donations in New Orleansnew

Why is that not a problem elsewhere?
Gambit  |  David Winkler-Schmit  |  08-29-2007  |  Science

Sicko's Curenew

Health-care experts say Michael Moore's movie makes a good argument for national health care.
Gambit  |  David Winkler-Schmit  |  08-07-2007  |  Science

HPV: A Hidden Dangernew

The human papilloma virus is rampant in the sexually active population and can cause cervical cancer and other diseases -- one New Orleans coed tries to get the word out about a life-saving vaccine.
Gambit  |  Linda Dees  |  05-22-2007  |  Science

Atkins Diet Associated with Health Dangersnew

"Atkins sold his diet as a gift wrapped in a bacon cheeseburger -- no bun, but with a cheesecake on the side," says Jody Gorran, whose time on the low-carb regime left him slim but with an artery blockage. "I wanted to lose weight, so I made a Faustian deal with the devil, and the devil was Robert Atkins."
Gambit  |  Frank Etheridge  |  05-06-2004  |  Science

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