AltWeeklies Wire

Hacker's Delight: Ten Ways to Soup Up Your iPodnew

The only difference between a hacker and a programmer is that the latter's getting paid. All good-natured admonishments not to mess with your iPod are, in other words, political and merely so.
Boston Phoenix  |  Nick Sylvester  |  08-04-2005  |  Science

Saying Yes to Pot in Rhode Islandnew

A small, heavily Catholic state is poised to legalize medical marijuana -- a move that could that could influence attitudes toward the legislation in other states.
Boston Phoenix  |  Ian Donnis  |  07-07-2005  |  Science

When My Brother Held the Plugnew

Three years ago, the writer watched his brother struggle with the gut-wrenching decision of whether to pull the plug and let his wife die -- and then watched as she miraculously recovered.
Boston Phoenix  |  David S. Bernstein  |  03-29-2005  |  Science

Beware! Google is Watching Younew

The company everyone loves knows more about you than you might realize. And that’s just for starters.
Boston Phoenix  |  Dan Kennedy  |  01-21-2005  |  Science

This Is Your Brain on Drugsnew

Rick Doblin thinks pot, ecstasy, and other psychedelics could unlock the human mind -- and he wants to bring them to Harvard, the FDA, and a doctor's office near you.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  10-08-2004  |  Science

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