AltWeeklies Wire
Massachusetts Set to Penalize Uninsured in 2008new
If you've been living in an uninsured cave for the past year, now would be a good time to crawl out. The Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority spent hours last week discussing exactly how they'll punish your lazy ass for not getting health care.
Dig Boston |
Cris Rodriguez |
01-16-2008 |
Tags: Health & Science
Asperger's Advocacy Groups Just Can't Get Alongnew
Two different Massachusetts groups that want to raise awareness about Asperger's syndrome, a disorder characterized by chronic social awkwardness, are backing two different bills, promoted by two different legislators, that would do almost exactly the same thing.
Dig Boston |
Julia Reischel |
10-11-2007 |
Tags: Health & Science
The Right Wing Rides Again in Massachusettsnew
The state is in the process of overturning a set of Mitt Romney-era rules inhibiting some types stem cell research, and the Massachusetts Family Institute and its allies aren't too happy about it.
Dig Boston |
Keith Howard |
09-12-2007 |
Treat Yourselfnew

The future of somewhat useful gadgetry is now! (Or quite soon)
Dig Boston |
Dave Barker, Michael Brodeur and Shaula Clark |
01-03-2007 |
Tags: Health & Science
The World's Sickest Keyboardnew
A keyboard that change symbols and letters depending on what language you're using? The Weekly Dig reviews the latest technology at your fingertips.
Dig Boston |
Seth MCM. Donlin |
07-20-2005 |
Tags: Health & Science
Geeked Gear: Workin' Itnew
Cool tech gear will make you look hip on your bicycle -- as if those spandex shorts didn't already.
Dig Boston |
Seth McM. Donlin |
06-29-2005 |
Tags: Health & Science
PC Home Theatrenew
Hollywood will soon be rolling out its summer blockbusters to wow us with impressive cinematics and thundering THX sound. But why go to the movies for sensory overload when you can get the same experience at your computer?
Dig Boston |
Seth McM. Donlin |
05-11-2005 |
Tags: Health & Science
iPod Accoutrementsnew
Clumsy, trendy and audiophilic iPod owners rejoice: Now you can keep your cherished slab of digital love safe from crackups, fashion emergencies and wussy bass.
Dig Boston |
Seth McM. Donlin |
05-05-2005 |
Tags: Health & Science