AltWeeklies Wire

Hey Right-Wingers! Please Save Us From ObamaCare!

America desperately needs smart, strong opposition to ObamaCare. The worst part of this bad plan is its "mandate," which requires the uninsured to buy insurance at hyper-inflated prices from greedy for-profit private corporations.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  03-18-2010  |  Science

Dithering While America Sneezes

America's scandalous lame (non-)response to the swine flu pandemic isn't a big deal. Not compared to, say, the melting of the polar ice cap. It isn't torture. Or war. It pales next to giving hundreds of billions of dollars to wealthy bankers and nothing to homeowners facing foreclosure. But it sure is interesting.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  11-05-2009  |  Science

Why Are Insurers Blocking H1N1 Treatment Prescriptions?

I got swine flu. Five days later, I was at death's door -- because my evil insurance company wouldn't honor my doctor's prescription. Memo to future revolutionaries: if you require a firing squad for the executives of the Health Insurance Plan (HIP) of New York, I'm handy with a rifle.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  09-23-2009  |  Science

The Collapse of ObamaCare is Rooted in Unclear Communication

A poll says that 67 percent of Americans don't understand Obama's healthcare plan. I'm one of them.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  09-08-2009  |  Science

Touring Monsanto's Secret GMO Farmnew

Monsanto is one of the world's most powerful producers of Genetically Modified foods. At a tour of one of its Hawaii seed farms, friendly company officials and scientists offer rhetoric that doesn't come close to matching reality.
Maui Time  |  Anthony Pignataro  |  06-24-2005  |  Science

Why One Doctor Just Says No to Drug Reps

Noted gastroenterologist Dr. Edwin Montell believes it's unethical for physicians to have dealings with pharmaceutical company marketing representatives.
Maui Time  |  Anthony Pignataro  |  06-03-2004  |  Science

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