AltWeeklies Wire

Obama on Leno Translated: Don't Let Them Steal Another Onenew

It was typical of Obama not to dwell on or dig deep into the dirty tricks being deployed by his political enemies. But it's not just him that's the target, it's millions of potential voters and American democracy itself that's at stake.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  11-04-2012  |  Politics

Afghanistan: Obama's Vietnam?new

Afghanistan is known as the graveyard of empires. Can President Obama buck the trend?
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  08-11-2010  |  Politics

Undoing the New Deal?new

The dismantling of Social Security and Medicare was Obama's campaign promise nobody heard, and until recently, change was only at a snails pace. That's destined to change with a recent decision by the House of Representatives.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  07-09-2010  |  Politics

An Interview with California Lt. Gov Garamendinew

John Garamendi was invited to speak to the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce on September 30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel which is important to Harbor area residents and businesses because he sits as the Chair of the State’s Tidelands commission which oversees all of the ports of the state including LA and Long Beach.
Random Lengths News  |  Staff  |  10-31-2008  |  Politics

DOJ Attorney Admits Going Too Far

Voter suppression "guerilla war" is big picture behind the US Attorney scandal.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  06-01-2007  |  Politics

Democratic Candidates Speak to Faithful in San Diego

At this year's state convention in San Diego, the party faithful were buoyed by the likes of U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the appearance of seven of eight presidential hopefuls.
Random Lengths News  |  Doug Epperhart  |  05-02-2007  |  Politics

Under Fire: Three More Scandals Appear as U.S. Attorneys Story Unfolds

What's striking is how partisan loyalty connects the U.S. Attorneys scandal with other mega-scandals plaguing the Republican Party.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  03-21-2007  |  Politics

GOP Swept Away

Democrats scored a sweeping national victory Nov. 7, gaining about 30 seats in the House and six in the Senate.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  11-08-2006  |  Politics

Voters And Non-Voters

If California's non-voters made their voices heard, state policies could be dramatically reoriented in a more progressive direction, according to a new report.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  10-25-2006  |  Politics

The Battle For Congress

Voter dissatisfaction is so intense that the loss of the GOP's 15-seat majority seems almost certain, making Nancy Pelosi the first female Speaker of the House in history.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  10-25-2006  |  Politics

'The War Profiteers'

Robert Greenwald's shocking new documentary, Iraq for Sale, exposes the truth of the private contracts awarded to corporations who are bilking American taxpayers out of billions of dollars.
Random Lengths News  |  Laurie Bongard  |  10-25-2006  |  Politics

What If the 'Big One' Is A Bomb?

A RAND report examines a nuclear attack scenario at port of Long Beach.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  09-15-2006  |  Politics

The Road Not Taken

Obsessed with invading Iraq, Bush ignored an Arab peace initiative in March 2002.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  08-02-2006  |  Politics

25 Reasons to Impeach Bush

Here are 25 reasons for holding Bush and Cheney accountable for what they've done in the past five years. Sometimes people just need to be reminded that one these are actions that rise to the constitutional threshold of "high crimes and misdemeanors." Some ask: "Are there really only 25 reasons to impeach?"
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  06-22-2006  |  Politics

GOP Failures, Democratic Fears

A grassroots groundswell is starting to challenge Beltway Democrats' run-and-hide response to spectacular GOP failures.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  03-31-2006  |  Politics

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