AltWeeklies Wire
Blueprint Louisiana Takes Aim at 'Good Old Boy Network'new
The group is busy pushing contracts for reform on statewide and legislative candidates, but its real work begins when the elections end.
Sheriff Harry Lee is Chasing Historynew
The Jefferson Parish sheriff, 75, vows to beat both acute myeloid leukemia and anyone who dares to run against him in the Oct. 20 primary election -- that would make Lee the longest-serving sheriff in parish history.
The Pathologies that Govern Usnew
Katarina's long, aching aftermath has proved that we are no longer the country that put men on the moon -- we're too busy taking care of our own.
Target Lockednew
A wide array of issues could arise in the agriculture commissioner's race, but the contest will be a referendum on Bob Odom's competence and trustworthiness.
The Vitter Endnew
David Vitter evokes little pity, particularly among his fellow politicians, many of whom privately describe him as shamelessly self-righteous, blindly ambitious and ruthlessly calculating.
No More Tricksnew
Despite his best efforts to micromanage media coverage of his sexual escapades, David Vitter remains a sitting target for the Democratic Party and practically everyone else.
John Georges' October Surprisenew
Businessman John Georges has in mind his own version of an October Surprise for Congressman Bobby Jindal -- a spectacular come-from-behind victory in Louisiana's governor's race. If Georges succeeds, Jindal won't be the only one who's surprised.
The Stench of Corruption in Louisiananew
Multiple investigations into bribery, kickbacks and abuses of power cement Louisiana's reputation as a political cesspool.
Contract Hellnew
Louisiana's $756 million contract with ICF International to help homeowners recover from Hurricane Katrina was hurriedly awarded and monitored with limited resources, making for a perfect political storm that is just now making landfall.
Headed for a Showdown?new
No matter what, most statewide officials in Louisiana can expect some kind of opposition next year.
Mary Landrieu's Media Biasnew
Louisiana's Democratic senator is pushing two press-friendly bills through Congress, but she swears it's all about protecting the Fourth Estate, not currying its favor.
How to Get the Pols to Listen to Younew
Having a voice during legislative sessions can be daunting to average citizens, so here's some advice from those who have tread the Louisiana Capitol hallways for years.
Hide the Sheep!new
Both parties have lone-wolf candidates who keep breaking out of the pen in Louisiana's gubernatorial race, and there's nothing anyone can do to quiet Foster Campbell and Walter Boasso.
Strange Bedfellowsnew
Rudy Giuliani is pro-choice, pro-gay rights and pro-gun control. So why are bedrock Louisiana conservatives like U.S. Sen. David Vitter and Congressman Charles Boustany endorsing him for president -- and will the state's GOP base stand for it?
The PAC Mentalitynew
Private businessmen from around Louisiana are forming special interest groups at a shocking speed, creating competition for the Old Guard and changing the dynamics of lobbying.