AltWeeklies Wire
Road Hog Suppernew
Georgians for Better Transportation, a lobbying group representing powerful highwaymen, brings K Street extravagance to Atlanta.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Doug Monroe |
01-19-2006 |
War of Wordsnew
Gov. Sonny Perdue of Georgia takes time out of his busy schedule to bash the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Scott Henry |
01-12-2006 |
Political Point-Scoringnew

With every seat in the GOP-controlled Georgia Legislature up for re-election this fall, expect to see even more pandering and pop-culture conservatism than usual.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Scott Henry |
01-05-2006 |
Tags: 2006elect
A Tree By Any Other Namenew

Gov. Sonny Perdue's press staff has been clear: The governor is a Christian with a Christmas tree, for Christ's sake! Any e-mails that suggest otherwise are bogus.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Coley Ward |
12-15-2005 |
Can a Likeable Administrator Survive Brutal Campaign for Governor?new
Secretary of State Cathy Cox is not a battle-scarred politico haunted by a record of gotcha soundbites and a long list of enemies. Many observers have tagged her as the Democrats' brightest hope for beating Sonny Perdue in the 2006 governor's race.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Scott Henry |
12-08-2005 |
Tags: 2006elect
Judgment Day for Judge Roy Moorenew
Armageddon is just six months away, at least in Alabama. A vote for Roy Moore is an endorsement of Jesus; a vote for Bob Riley (or one of the long-shot Democrat contenders) is a ballot cast for Old Scratch.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
John Sugg |
12-08-2005 |
Tags: Fishwrapper
Transit Experts Dis the Beltlinenew
A panel of transportation and planning experts is expected to issue a report Sept. 29 that offers the harshest criticism to date of the proposed 22-mile transit loop around the inner city.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Michael Wall |
09-29-2005 |
The Little Beltline That Could Change Atlantanew
A proposed 22-mile ring of parks, paths and trains has become the rage of the city, winning praise from divergent interest groups.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Michael Wall and Ken Edelstein |
09-22-2005 |
Mayor Launches Her Campaign With a Vow to Fight Voter Purgenew
Shirley Franklin, the only well-known Georgian running for office this year, has a bully pulpit. She alone can draw attention to the travesty of Georgia's voter purge.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Doug Monroe |
09-15-2005 |
Gov. Sonny Perdue Gives Voter ID Opponents the Brush-Offnew
In the three weeks before the governor signed House Bill 244 -- which requires that voters carry one of six forms of picture ID to the polls to be allowed to vote -- his office received 331 calls asking him to veto it. And only 13 calls in its favor.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Scott Henry |
09-01-2005 |
Rep. Lewis Says Bush, Powell, Rice Liednew

John Lewis, D-Ga., didn't need the Downing Street memo suggesting that President Bush and his administration tailored intelligence to support the decision to attack Iraq. The Congressman began asking questions about the origins of the war during Bush's first term.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Doug Monroe |
06-23-2005 |
State Senator's Scandal Makes You Ashamed to be a Democratnew
According to a federal indictment, Georgia State Sen. Charles Walker's temp company earned $2.5 million from a public hospital between 1996 and 2000. The workers were hired under pressure, a former human resources director alleges.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Doug Monroe |
05-19-2005 |
Georgia GOP Eases Up on Mortgage Lendersnew
Now that a pro-business, anti-consumer version of the Georgia Fair Lending Act has replaced its original strong anti-predatory lending law, the state appears to need the original law's protections more than ever.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Alyssa Abkowitz |
05-19-2005 |
Lobbyist Is Example of Georgia's Revolving Doornew
A one-year prohibition of lobbying by ex-government officials has slowed down the revolving door. But the lobbying roles of Harold Reheis, the state's former top environmental enforcer, and others have convinced some watchdogs that one year isn't enough time.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Michael Wall |
05-05-2005 |
Georgia Governor Pulls Plug on Board Chairmannew
Bruce Cook, the embattled board chairman of the Georgia Department of Human Resources who garnered criticism for using his public post to promote his private business, was recently yanked from his appointed duties by Gov. Sonny Perdue.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Scott Henry |
04-14-2005 |