AltWeeklies Wire

Study committee green lights mass transitnew

A legislative panel on Thursday endorsed a mass transit funding plan that could mean a tax increase for residents and businesses and require approval from local officials and voters.
NUVO  |  Lesley Weidenbener  |  11-24-2013  |  Politics

Indiana loses million in tobacco paymentsnew

The state is set to lose $63 million in tobacco payments next year after an arbitration panel determined it failed to enforce a provision of the master settlement with tobacco companies.
NUVO  |  Lesley Weidenbener  |  10-17-2013  |  Politics

Indiana Right-to-Work Law Ruled Unconstitutionalnew

A Lake County judge has ruled Indiana's right-to-work law unconstitutional, saying it requires unions to perform services for which they can't be compensated.
NUVO  |  Lesley Weidenbener  |  09-10-2013  |  Politics

Some gains on pot decriminalizationnew

NORML Chair Neal Smith cites "modest gains," as cannabis consciousness still nascent at the Statehouse.
NUVO  |  Rebecca Townsend  |  04-18-2013  |  Politics

Guns Across America hits Indiananew

An estimated crowd of 150 Second Amendment activists gathered on the steps of the Indiana Statehouse.
NUVO  |  Brandon Knapp  |  01-24-2013  |  Politics

Protest marks Citizens United anniversarynew

Indiana activists gathered to mark the third anniversary of the Citizens United Decision and protest the flood of dark money in politics.
NUVO  |  Nikki Acosta  |  01-22-2013  |  Politics

Bill Clinton rallies for Indiana Demsnew

Speaking to 4,000 supporters packed into the North Central High School gym, Clinton advocated for the Democrats' approach to government.
NUVO  |  The Statehouse File  |  10-15-2012  |  Politics

Indiana Governor's Racenew

Thanks to Rupert Boneham, John Gregg and Mike Pence for taking the time to give us a taste of what they're about and how they might handle some of the issues facing our governor.
NUVO  |  Rebecca Townsend  |  09-29-2012  |  Politics

Gender diversity returns to Supreme Courtnew

Judge Loretta Hogan Rush will be the second woman to serve on the Indiana Supreme Court - the first in 13 years. Gov. Mitch Daniels announced the appointment Friday.
NUVO  |  The Statehouse File  |  09-18-2012  |  Politics

Daniels seeks input on health exchangesnew

Pence, Boneham meetings complete. Gregg campaign says the Democratic candidate will meet with the governor in the next few weeks.
NUVO  |  The Statehouse File  |  08-24-2012  |  Politics

Right-to-Work debate returnsnew

A fresh debate erupted this week over the effects of the state's so-called "Right-to-Work" law passed by the Indiana General Assembly earlier this year.
NUVO  |  The Statehouse File  |  08-24-2012  |  Politics

Nonprofit Dark Money Dominates Politicsnew

Forget super PACs ... more money is being spent on TV advertising in the presidential race by social welfare nonprofits - may of which claim not to be politically active.
NUVO  |  ProPublica  |  08-23-2012  |  Politics

This is Your Brain On ... Ideologynew

Exploring the psychology of politics, author Chris Mooney finds Liberal and Conservative brains function differently.
NUVO  |  Jim Poyser  |  06-19-2012  |  Politics

Indiana's $206 million errornew

Gov. Mitch Daniels has ordered an outside audit after officials discovered a second programming error, this one short-changing cash-strapped local governments $206 million.
NUVO  |  The Statehouse File  |  04-09-2012  |  Politics

NRA responds; Krull reloadsnew

An exchange exploring the Second Amendment, lobbyist endorsement and the ways of the Hoosier.
NUVO  |  John Krull  |  04-02-2012  |  Politics

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