AltWeeklies Wire
Study committee green lights mass transitnew

A legislative panel on Thursday endorsed a mass transit funding plan that could mean a tax increase for residents and businesses and require approval from local officials and voters.
Indiana loses million in tobacco paymentsnew

The state is set to lose $63 million in tobacco payments next year after an arbitration panel determined it failed to enforce a provision of the master settlement with tobacco companies.
Indiana Right-to-Work Law Ruled Unconstitutionalnew

A Lake County judge has ruled Indiana's right-to-work law unconstitutional, saying it requires unions to perform services for which they can't be compensated.
Some gains on pot decriminalizationnew

NORML Chair Neal Smith cites "modest gains," as cannabis consciousness still nascent at the Statehouse.
Guns Across America hits Indiananew

An estimated crowd of 150 Second Amendment activists gathered on the steps of the Indiana Statehouse.
Protest marks Citizens United anniversarynew

Indiana activists gathered to mark the third anniversary of the Citizens United Decision and protest the flood of dark money in politics.
Bill Clinton rallies for Indiana Demsnew

Speaking to 4,000 supporters packed into the North Central High School gym, Clinton advocated for the Democrats' approach to government.
Indiana Governor's Racenew

Thanks to Rupert Boneham, John Gregg and Mike Pence for taking the time to give us a taste of what they're about and how they might handle some of the issues facing our governor.
Gender diversity returns to Supreme Courtnew

Judge Loretta Hogan Rush will be the second woman to serve on the Indiana Supreme Court - the first in 13 years. Gov. Mitch Daniels announced the appointment Friday.
Daniels seeks input on health exchangesnew

Pence, Boneham meetings complete. Gregg campaign says the Democratic candidate will meet with the governor in the next few weeks.
Right-to-Work debate returnsnew

A fresh debate erupted this week over the effects of the state's so-called "Right-to-Work" law passed by the Indiana General Assembly earlier this year.
Nonprofit Dark Money Dominates Politicsnew

Forget super PACs ... more money is being spent on TV advertising in the presidential race by social welfare nonprofits - may of which claim not to be politically active.
This is Your Brain On ... Ideologynew

Exploring the psychology of politics, author Chris Mooney finds Liberal and Conservative brains function differently.
Indiana's $206 million errornew

Gov. Mitch Daniels has ordered an outside audit after officials discovered a second programming error, this one short-changing cash-strapped local governments $206 million.
Tags: Indiana, Mitch Daniels, Pat Bauer, Indiana Statehouse, Adam Horst, Indiana Department of Revenue, Indiana State Budget, John Gregg, accounting errors, Association of Indiana Counties, David Long, Indiana Association of Cities and Towns., Indiana Department of Management and Budget, Indiana State Budget Committee, tax payer refunds
NRA responds; Krull reloadsnew

An exchange exploring the Second Amendment, lobbyist endorsement and the ways of the Hoosier.