AltWeeklies Wire

Here’s How Seven Votes Changed on the Confederate Flag Billnew

Fourteen minutes passed between the second and third House readings of the bill that called for the removal of the Confederate battle flag from Statehouse grounds. In that time, the vote count changed from 93-27 to 94-20.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  07-13-2015  |  Politics

Unreported Fender-Bender Involving Nikki Haley Leads to Questions About Her Ethicsnew

The fender-bender itself was not earth-shattering news. But as the governor gears up for a 2014 re-election campaign against likely Democratic challenger Vincent Sheheen, the previously unreported car accident raised questions about whether Haley uses state-owned vehicles to travel to campaign fundraising events.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers and Corey Hutchins  |  08-30-2013  |  Politics

Newt’s still got it, but the Tea Party is so 2010new

Just before Tea Party heartthrob Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) announced that he would be leaving the U.S. Senate in January to head up the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation, a new poll released Wednesday showed support was weak for the Tea Party in the outgoing senator’s home state.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  12-07-2012  |  Politics

Nikki Haley Vetoes Spending for Education, Healthcare, Artsnew

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley attempts to strike 81 lines from state budget.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  07-10-2012  |  Politics

Nikki Haley cleared by ethics panelnew

Five Republicans and one Democrat cleared Republican Gov. Nikki Haley of wrongdoing June 29 after investigating whether she had illegally lobbied as a lawmaker. It was the first time the House Ethics Committee investigated a sitting governor.
Charleston City Paper  |  Corey Hutchins  |  07-03-2012  |  Politics

S.C. Venue Says GOPers Didn't Pay $227,000 Hotel Tabnew

The Charleston Place is suing the Southern Republican Leadership Conference, claiming the group booked nearly the entire venue for the weekend of the Republican primary and has since refused to pay its $227,872 bill.
Charleston City Paper  |  Dan McCue  |  02-03-2012  |  Politics

Meet the Occupiersnew

As with the Tea Party movement, organizers of #OccupyCharleston expressed concern Thursday night about not being used for political gain by an existing party. Larry Carter Center, who attended to give advice on parade ordinances and protest strategy, says group members are trying to figure out “how not to let this become a Democratic Party front.”
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  10-07-2011  |  Politics

Remember the Birthers? They’re Still Herenew

Poll of South Carolina conservatives shows ‘kicked puppy syndrome,’ says professor.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  09-23-2011  |  Politics

Newt: Drill for Gas Off S.C. Coastnew

Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich says companies ought to be allowed to drill for natural gas off the South Carolina coast. He also wants a zero-percent capital gains tax, a 12.5-percent corporate tax, and no new taxes in 2013.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  07-14-2011  |  Politics

Pawlenty Wants Nikki Haley's votenew

With her endorsement very much in play, Gov. Nikki Haley recently told The Associated Press what she was looking for from her potential GOP primary dates. Specifically, she wants a little help challenging the pro-union forces who want to scuttle Boeing's major Dreamliner facility here in Charleston. Actually, she wants a lot of help.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  04-29-2011  |  Politics

Nikki Haley Dodges Questions, Tells Constituents to Call Her Laternew

The "call me" message was used time and time again by Gov. Haley at the town hall meeting, where 500 Charleston voters listened to Haley talk about her favorite issues, and then they politely lined up in droves to talk about everything else.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  03-21-2011  |  Politics

The Muppet Revoltnew

Jim DeMint vs. talking animals and monsters.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  02-21-2011  |  Politics

Union Sues S.C. Gov. Haley for Fiery Commentsnew

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is headed to court for claiming the state will seek to prevent employees from forming a union.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  01-21-2011  |  Politics

S.C. Legislature Juggling Budget Crisis With Immigration, Election Reformsnew

Statehouse leaders sing chorus of looming "pain."
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  01-11-2011  |  Politics

Lindsey Graham: Reduce benefits for wealthy seniorsnew

Senator takes his "hard decisions" message to Meet the Press.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  01-03-2011  |  Politics

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